Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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teknomage goes fourth first (deleted) / second / sanban / fifth forum thread
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by teknomage
Hisashiburi, tek-san! Gosh, you've been back in town for like a couple weeks now, and I haven't seen you yet. Have you seen Benny-san?
No, but we've talked online a bit. Sorry I haven't seen you on IM or anything...
It's okay. So what've you been up to since the show ended?
Oh, you know, the usual. Spending too much time online, watching TV, and a bit of job searching.
Any luck so far?
Meh, it's too soon to tell. Probably not. But I really plan to work on it more this week... So anyway, what've you been up to?
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