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| Hai. And then, by the time I find one, I don't know if I'll even want one anymore. I'm not sure what pokemon I'll end up getting. I made a list, but I'm sure that will change as I play... | |
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| Yep, that happens. Well... Oh, did you see The Book of Daniel? | |
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| Eh, I thought the premise reminded me too much of Joan of Arcadia, and I didn't want to be reminded of how much I miss that, so I skipped it. | |
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| Well, it is kinda like Joan, but not quite as much as I expected. Anyway, it had problems, but it was enjoyable. Especially since the daughter draws manga. | |
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| Really? Maybe I'll check it out, then... | |
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| Anyway, it was also nice seeing Toonami again last night, after missing so much. Though it is kind of annoying to be behind on some of these shows... and I won't even try to watch Adult Swim... | |
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