Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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teknomage goes fourth first (deleted) / second / sanban / fifth forum thread
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by teknomage
Nanika atta, Dave? You're looking... uh... yeah.
Fuckin' TWoP forums fuckin' banned me again and deleted more posts, didn't even leave a trace of them this time. I dunno if it's for good this time, don't care. I ain't goin' back.
Shit, that bites. What's the deal this time?
Meh. Warnings. How can they call it warnings when they punish you before even telling you what you've done wrong?
Good question.
The hell of it is, this time I specifically looked to see if there was a rule against what I was doing, and I couldn't find one!
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