Butch quickly put out the fire with his trustworthy axe.
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| Good goly it got as hot as hell in here all of a sudden | |
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| Gotta deal for you Butch LISTEN UP!!! I can give you your heart's desire. Just name it and you get more then 3 wishes. I'm no cheeeezeball like that blue thing in the bottle | |
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Butch quickly put out the fire with his trustworthy axe.
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| Good goly it got as hot as hell in here all of a sudden | |
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| Gotta deal for you Butch LISTEN UP!!! I can give you your heart's desire. Just name it and you get more then 3 wishes. I'm no cheeeezeball like that blue thing in the bottle | |
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Without realizing it Butch's bald mind saved him from the darker forces' plans for him. "And the simple will confound the wise" ......................... TO BE CONTINUED
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| Wow DID YOU SEE THAT? A bonble in stripcreator! | |
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| Naw ...just trying to make you think twice...but I can see that is just me banging my head against the wall. | |
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