Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Visit a site i submit artwork to: Each week there is a word prompt and anyone can submit for the prompt. You can view all of my submissions clicking on my name or going to the drawer.
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by theDROOLfool
One day daQueenOfBrats came into the stripcreator's kingdom to check up on one of her brats, theDROOLfool.
i have looked everywhere for daQueen. i need to talk to her. Where is she?
She's daQUEEN of brats so that should give you some indication. With her attitoodnal I try to avoid being put in the much as possible.
DaQueen was not at all happy with how her brat was being treated and wrote a sappy comic to encourage him.
Yeah well....she just did a comicstrip about me that was very damaging.
How so?
..................To Be Continued................
She wrote this bathetically positive crap about me. I GOT A REP TO UPHOLD for jimminy sakes!
Ummmmm... on that happy note I think I'll step out for a smoke. Wouldn't want to be ya, see you never.
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