Teh boyz are kicking Gates where it hurts - BO Selecta!
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| I heard you just wiped windoze of yer pc. RAR , M$ products f**king suck! They can be hated for that alone | |
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| Yep, SuSE all the way - no more f**k widoze sh*t.! f**k it right in its stupid ass. | |
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Our BoyZ goes through all the ACE software that appeals to 15yrolds on a linux box
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| SuSE roxors - i have got email and irc + quake to play on it | |
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| >:user last logged on 3 days ago | |
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value for money...........
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| So man , hows yer SuSE roxoring PC doing - now you got read of that lame A$$ windoze | |
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| F**kin rox. Its been running without crashing for 4 weeks , I know coz i logged into it a couple of days ago to see - but I've been on meh SneS mostly ... SUPA mario ROXS | |
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