Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

A Primer For Naïve Maidens

The Maidens' Primer is a series of life-lessons for the impressionable and innocent young lasses of the first half of the last century. Things mothers would never bring up to their sweet daughters without having a couple stiff drinks first, but they'd really like their little girls to know, like advice about sanitary napkins and cautionary warnings about that scourge of men - The Creepy Pee-Pee. -=- So as not to put any delicate flowers on the spot, the cartoon will be presented using males in the situations that young ladies may find themselves in.

by themushroom
You shouldn't wait until you fail the "pencil test" before adding a bra to your daily wardrobe. Start early.
I think I've finally reached the state where I need to start wearing a bra.
Yeah, I noticed that you've got breast buds nowadays.
Get used to the feel of a bra.
This also means I'll have to wear something on the upper half of my body for the rest of my life... sigh.
Yeah, that's gonna be a bummer for both of us.
Fact: $5,000,000 a year is spent in America on bras for 9 year olds.
"both of us"?
What do you think inspired this rise in my Levi's, dude?

this comic belongs to set
A Primer For Naïve Maidens

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