Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

A Primer For Naïve Maidens

The Maidens' Primer is a series of life-lessons for the impressionable and innocent young lasses of the first half of the last century. Things mothers would never bring up to their sweet daughters without having a couple stiff drinks first, but they'd really like their little girls to know, like advice about sanitary napkins and cautionary warnings about that scourge of men - The Creepy Pee-Pee. -=- So as not to put any delicate flowers on the spot, the cartoon will be presented using males in the situations that young ladies may find themselves in.

by themushroom
The first necessity in talking about "the birds and the bees" is gaining a basic understanding of anatomy.
Dad, I have a question about... well, boys. I want to know something.
You can ask me anything. What's on your mind?
A girl has a vagina, or "pussy." A boy has a penis, or "weiner."
I know what a girl has 'down there'. But what does a boy have and what should I know?
Boys have tubes of skin that get hard. Know that a boy's ultimate goal in life is to stick his thing into your hole.
Visual aids may be necessary if you have never accidentally walked into the bathroom while your father or brother was urinating or showering.
Ouch! That could hurt! Are boy things long or wide?
You'll be happy to know that boys like mouths as well.

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A Primer For Naïve Maidens

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