Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

Target Greeter Girl

She's a greeter at Target. Strip based on real people and true stories. That's the sad part.

by themushroom
TGG didn't have great luck with guys in Spackletown, but she had faith in "teh Intarweb" and its myriad of chat systems.
DUDE88: so what r u waring? u 1 2 take it off 4 me?
She was particularly enamored of Skype, because not only can you type to people, you can speak to them and, with a camera and broadband, do video conferencing.
I've turned on my webcam, and now I will show not tell. Off with my top...
Unfortunately, it wasn't the hardware or the software that kept dropping the calls when she'd attempt video... it was the wetware.
< DUDE88 has left >
shit... this keeps happening!

this comic belongs to set
Target Greeter Girl

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