Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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treble charger(the trebs) rock! take a look into my violent and twisted mind! fave bands: trebs gc metallica gob simple plan Oh yes... I have a very twisted and violent sense of humour... caution all who want to keep their sanity ----
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by thetrebsrock
the fight continues
Ha! Hel, you are dead!
Nooooo! The ol gods are gone, but Satan will kill you!!!
eeek! It's Voldemort!
No! Jesus Christ! I'm Satan... Damn fucking Harry Potter...
Suddenly the amazing shape-shifting comic author, thetrebsrock steps in!
I told you! Anarchy Day is over, asshole...
I'll be taking Volde... I mean Satan's place...
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