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| So, with only four weeks left in my freshman year, I think it's about time I evaluate my first year experience: | |
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| Wells In General: Well, it's in the middle of bum fuck Egypt, there is nothing to do here and the people are generally insane, and not in the good way. I am so transferring my junior year. | |
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| Personal Life: I broke up with my boyf of three years, made a few kickass friends, started a fight club, and my only love affair is w/alcohol. Not to great but, it's the best Wells can give me. | |
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| Personal Growth: In the last nine months I have become cynical, eccentric and the class clown. And I have returned to my normal angsty self. I'm very happy with myself, I like who I am. | |
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| So, all in all, I hate Wells, like my friends, love my personality and I can't wait to be done with college and then become a teacher myself. At least then I get to torture kids and have a cool car. | |
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| I can't wait for my sophomore year to start. | |
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