Bekca and Mer talk about this weekend...
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| So, when you go home this weekend you're going to show your parents your rather sizeable tattoo that was wicked expensive? | |
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| Yeah, I think it's time they found out about it; I've had it for nearly two months now. | |
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| You do also realize that you're going home with purple streaks in you hair and you do plan to get your labret pierced in a week, all of this will be displayed to the whole town. | |
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| You're father is going to freak, believe me, I met him, he's crazy and you know your soccer mom will most certainly freak... | |
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| Hmm, maybe I'll wait until I get my piercing and then tell them over break that I got attacked by a rabid tattoo artist/piercer, yeah, that's what I'll do. | |
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