Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Ive been drawing comics fir like 5 years, so since i was eleven. They are called Bob Comix and they are the funniest crap on planet earth. You should email me with any opinions, suggestions or anything like that.
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by trevdogg101
Note: This strip will only make sense to those who have actually used the stripcreator engine to make a comic strip.
We are the standard strip characters!
Use us when you are too lazy to actually do the complicated task of switching to different characters in yuor strip.
My name is asiangirl1
And my name is asiangirl2, except i look much more like a native american.
I rekon this country aint big enough for the both of us!
Aiee! Itsa cowboy cleverly discuised as an Asiangirl1!
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