Late at night, we're easily entertained...
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| I can't believe its 5 AM and I'm not tired yet...well, I suppose that I'll just rearrange my Yahoo! Mail...wait, what is this? | |
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| HiThere90: Maybe this old memory will help put you to sleep... | |
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| Right now I am wearing the white corset you picked out for me, and my breasts do not touch my belly button. How I wish I had your tremendous manhood sliding in and out of | |
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| Sweet Jesus, not her again...Please God, Anything but this! | |
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...and negative references to God no longer count...
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| Mesa recite emailsa fo yusa ALL NIGHTSA LONG! *ahem* Deasa Jordsa-an, Isa wearsa yousa whitesa thongsa andsa... | |
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