In a mutual friend's mobile home at a party...
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| OMIGOD, my boyfriend is going to come here in a few hours, and you can meet him! Wow, he's so amazing, and we're not having sex yet, because we have consciences! I Rock! | |
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| YOU have a boyfriend? And I don't?...DOES ANYONE HERE HAVE SOME VICADIN??? | |
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A DEPRESSING comic strip...
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| ...and our relationship is a committed one, and we're not sleeping together until we know each other better! What a great guy! I am so lucky to have finally found someone so wonderful!! | |
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| Christ! This is an awful situation! Why is this a comic strip? This is just fucking awful!!! | |
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Ah yes, THIS is why it is amusing!
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| Hey, do you know where Byron, this new moral wonderful boyfriend, is? | |
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| In the bathroom of this mobile home, fucking Kim Lucas. | |
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