Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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The unaverage stoner who also happens to take the advice of an invisible penguin all the time! All comics are innovated by myself and loosely based on real events. P.S. Check out the J Files by jimbob2000 (This is some good shit!)
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by wildjesus
Ok! We have to talk about something important! You are not allowed to steal pot from my girlfriend!
Really......Why for?
Well.....I really care about this girl and I don't want you to cause trouble and blame me for everything like usual....
But.....not even a little! Ok, Ok since you feel so strongly about it I promise I won't!
That's awesome buddy! Thanks, I gotta go but i'll talk to ya later!
Hmmm......He didn't say anything about stealing pot from him and Dave, Ahahaha.........Sucker!
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