Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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CC 75: Prequel -- Even lesser is morerer
wirthling's Comics
05/16/15 - Amgibooity
03/05/07 - The Comedy Stylings of Wirthling's Dead Grampa #4
03/05/07 - The Comedy Stylings of Wirthling's Dead Grampa #3
03/05/07 - The Comedy Stylings of Wirthling's Dead Grampa #2
03/05/07 - The Comedy Stylings of Wirthling's Dead Grampa #1
03/05/07 - Back to Normal
03/05/07 - Four More Beers
10/18/05 - The Noodle Testament
09/05/05 - Fate-Based Initiative
09/01/05 - Mediacrity
08/31/05 - Infellation
08/30/05 - Mer de Gras
08/25/05 - Less is Less
07/25/05 - It's the Media's Default
04/06/05 - Don't save this comic...don't save this comic...
12/30/04 - Quickie
02/11/04 - Senile Physics
12/18/03 - The Lack of Creativity Comic
09/27/03 - Wirthling the Hutt
09/27/03 - Heart of Dorkness
02/13/03 - CC 170: Because I Have Nothing Better To Do
02/04/03 - The New Defaults
01/30/03 - The Druid of TheTwilightZonehenge
10/25/02 - Another lame "ha ha boorite has no pants" comic
09/22/02 - Red Robot Faces a Career Crisis
08/26/02 - I'm a big meanie
08/23/02 - CC139: Can't think of a title
08/21/02 - Ozzy-Dylan Physics
08/18/02 - CCIX #19
08/13/02 - CCIX #18
08/05/02 - CCIX #17
07/30/02 - CCIX # 16
07/26/02 - CCIX #15
07/19/02 - CCIX #14
07/16/02 - Trials and Tribulations
07/16/02 - This Comic has been signed for the Rule-1-Impaired
07/15/02 - CCIX #13
07/13/02 - CCIX #12
07/09/02 - CCIX #11
07/04/02 - CCIX #10
07/03/02 - CCIX #9
06/29/02 - CCIX #8
06/25/02 - ccix #7
06/24/02 - David Mamet Presents...
06/21/02 - CCIX #6
06/16/02 - CCIX # 5
06/14/02 - I give up.
06/13/02 - CCIX #4
06/11/02 - CCIX #3
06/10/02 - CCIX #2
06/07/02 - CCIX #1
05/30/02 - Whooo!!!!
05/28/02 - Bubbles and Ben - Survivors of the Nuclear Holocaust (1)
05/23/02 - Class Incarnate
05/01/02 - An Extremely Useful Comic
04/30/02 - New Guy
04/24/02 - CC 116: The War of the Words
04/22/02 - Please Pardon the Interruption
04/16/02 - wirthbert
03/29/02 - CC110: Diablo McNuggets
03/28/02 - CC110: Kaufman Made Me Do It
03/25/02 - CC109: Last Words in New York
03/25/02 - CC109: Cliché Theatre Presents "Black Widow"
03/25/02 - CC109: Two for the Price of One
03/13/02 - Pas de Dougan
03/07/02 - Ask Genie Mae
03/04/02 - Th nd.
02/13/02 - One-Note Theatre Presents: Slow Joe
02/12/02 - CC99: Whit Monday
02/12/02 - The Chinese Mid-Autumn Moon Festival
02/11/02 - Mr. Post-Modern Meets Mr. Oblivious #1
02/11/02 - Mr. Post-Modern Meets Mr. Oblivious #3
02/11/02 - Mr. Post-Modern Meets Mr. Oblivious #2
02/10/02 - Germany Invades Comic 56000, Paris Weeps
02/07/02 - Movie in 3 Panels: Meet Joe Black
02/05/02 - An Extremely Pointless Comic
02/05/02 - Operation Enduring Hypocrisy
02/05/02 - Operation Enduring Denial
02/04/02 - Just Because
02/01/02 - CC97: A Half-Life is Better than None, Part 3
02/01/02 - CC97: A Half-Life is Better than None, Part 2
02/01/02 - CC97: A Half-Life is Better than None, Part 1
02/01/02 - Comic Cup 8 Round 1 - Crims and Misdemeanors
01/29/02 - Nary a clue about the rest, but rule 4 is my bitch
01/29/02 - CC96: Obligatory Free Tech Support
01/28/02 - CC96: Joystick Trouble
01/28/02 - Guest Director: Ed Wood
01/28/02 - Hamlet: A Jerry Bruckheimer Production
01/25/02 - 11001000
01/25/02 - CC95: Also Starring Bill Gates as the Emperor
01/24/02 - Serial Comic VI: Decent Help is Hard to Find
01/23/02 - CC 94: After-School Special
01/23/02 - CC 94: The Classiest Comic EVER!
01/22/02 - Zen and the Art of Wife Maintenance: Episode 3
01/22/02 - Zen and the Art of Wife Maintenance: Episode 2
01/22/02 - Zen and the Art of Wife Maintenance: Episode 1
01/22/02 - Contrary to Appearance, KKP Does Get Emotional Sometimes
01/17/02 - Passing the Time
12/27/01 - Roger is Abnormous
12/27/01 - A Comic With Three Panels and Words and Stuff
12/25/01 - O Whorey Night...
12/25/01 - You have the boorite to remain silent...
12/17/01 - The Lost Seuss Files: Junky's Naked Lunchy
12/12/01 - Comic Cup VII: The Weakest Strip - Round 2
12/10/01 - Comic Cup VII: The Weakest Strip
12/07/01 - CC85: Chockfull o' Chick
12/07/01 - CC85: One of the Bible's Lesser-Known Lessons
12/07/01 - Cowboy Fission
12/04/01 - Wirthling Physics
12/04/01 - Physics Metaphysics
11/28/01 - Oh, please, not again...
11/27/01 - The Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name, Part 2
11/27/01 - Rudolph the Red-Noser
11/27/01 - Merry Christ-my-ass
11/27/01 - A Meeting of Minds
11/16/01 - CC80: Gratuitous Gabe-Bashing, Part MCMLXVIII
11/16/01 - CC80: Baldilocks and the Three Bros
11/15/01 - CC80: Mysterious Gabe Mutilations Explained
11/01/01 - CC76: Color Me Disqualified
10/23/01 - CC 75: Prequel -- Even lesser is morerer
10/21/01 - Less is more...
10/19/01 - Comic Cup V - I vote for habnem...
10/16/01 - CC73 - Never Can Say Goodbye
10/16/01 - Cup 5 Interlude II: Surprise Attack!
10/12/01 - DexX is a Dingo-Humping Bastard
10/09/01 - Crappy-ass comic
10/09/01 - Untitled
10/05/01 - CC 70: Next Stop, Planet Häagen-Dazs
10/03/01 - Vaudeville for Grammar Dorks
10/02/01 - CC69: Eat it, ObiJo
10/02/01 - CC69: Barely Legal Tender
10/02/01 - Comic Cup V - Praise to the StripCreator!
10/01/01 - CC68: Tobor Gets a Study Date
10/01/01 - CC68: Tobor Visits the Rathskeller
09/27/01 - CC67: teh d00d on teh Left iz JAson!!!!1!!
09/24/01 - CC66: Soul for sale, very low mileage...
09/24/01 - Damn the paradoxes, full speed behind!
09/23/01 - CC65: The Lineup
09/21/01 - CC64: Lamety-lame entry-like product
09/17/01 - CC63: Newblear Winter
09/15/01 - Serial Comic ]|[: The Aussie Ass-Assassin Scene
09/13/01 - Untitled
09/13/01 - Untitled
09/10/01 - CC 61: ObiJo, Conqueror of World and Stage
09/07/01 - Titanic in 3 panels...
09/07/01 - Something Wicked This Way Swims
09/05/01 - CC 60: Blow me - part 2
09/04/01 - CC 59: The Pink Slip
08/27/01 - CC 57: You've got cancer!
08/26/01 - Science boldly marches on...
08/24/01 - True Bible Stories: Believe It or BURN IN HELL!!!
08/21/01 - At the 1st annual stripcreator convention...
08/20/01 - CC 54: Namblachu
08/20/01 - When it absolutely, positively has to get there some day...
08/16/01 - Night of the Living Head
08/15/01 - Battlefield Earth in 3 panels...
08/13/01 - Fun games to play when visiting senile relatives...
08/13/01 - I hate visiting Grandpa...
08/09/01 - CC 52: The war against the sun continues...
08/09/01 - Comic Cup III - Inside wirthling's head...
08/06/01 - CC51 - Moral relativity
07/23/01 - Dude Duet
07/23/01 - CC47: Lousy excuse to use the new art...
06/29/01 - CC40: Buffer overflow...
06/26/01 - For some reason, Roger never gets laid...
06/24/01 - CC39: God on a ball...
06/17/01 - CC 37 - The horror, the horror...
06/15/01 - CC36 - Sodomy is also part of the winning formula...
06/09/01 - CC35: Tyrell's Imminent Death
06/06/01 - The evolution of Michael Jackson...
06/06/01 - Interview with Ken Griffey, Jr.
06/06/01 - Zen Master P...
06/06/01 - More fuel for boorite's theory...
06/04/01 - CC34: Maximum Insecurity...
06/03/01 - Serial II - Roundin' up the posse...
06/03/01 - CC 33: The ManBot 2000 - Part II
06/03/01 - CC 33: The ManBot 2000 - Part I
05/31/01 - Tourettes Timmy courts Little Miss Tourette...
05/28/01 - The Bible's Funniest Bloopers...
05/28/01 - The other famous crucified guy...
05/27/01 - Disney World's other least favorite theme park...
05/27/01 - Disney World's least favorite theme park...
05/24/01 - CC32: Around the holy water cooler...
05/23/01 - CC31 - When in doubt, use the dog on a ball...
05/17/01 - CC30: Cliché Theatre presents: "Love Is..."
05/11/01 - Tobor goes to a job interview...
05/11/01 - CC 29: The Generation Gap...
05/08/01 - CC 28: The Worst Comic Contest Entry Ever
05/04/01 - The Robot Antidefamation League speaks...
05/01/01 - CC 27: The value of a Philosophy degree...
04/28/01 - CC 26: All out of ideas...
04/23/01 - CC 25: The revolution begins here...
04/18/01 - Comic Contest 23: Gabe's Imminent Death
04/12/01 - Comic Contest 22: Meet the One-Note Players...
04/11/01 - Welcome to the Low Pass Elite Club...
04/10/01 - Comic Contest XXI: Just what the world needs...
04/06/01 - Comic Contest XX: The Larch...
04/05/01 - Comic Contest XIX: The Incredible, Oedipal Choad...
04/05/01 - The underachiever...
04/01/01 - Serial Comic: On Human Bondage...
03/31/01 - Comic Contest XVII: Mr. Sociopath goes a-courtin'...
03/29/01 - Yet more suggestions for Emeril...
03/29/01 - More suggestions for Emeril...
03/26/01 - The Gramm(p)ys...
03/26/01 - Comic Contest XVI: Yet another pre-disqualified entry...
03/24/01 - Comic Contest XV: Rules, schmules...
03/21/01 - Comic Contest XIV: Sad but true haiku...
03/19/01 - Comic Contest XIII: We are the Borg...
03/16/01 - Nobody likes Dr. Pedantic...
03/09/01 - Comic Contest XI: wirthling's lame attempt...
03/03/01 - Comic Contest X: Sit-Comic...
03/02/01 - 10?
03/01/01 - Comic Contest #9: And vhere's the Vhite House furniture?
02/26/01 - Comic Contest #8: Scrooge forgets his medication...
02/25/01 - Roger ict veirden...
02/23/01 - Comic Contest #7: Can I buy a vowel, Pat?
02/22/01 - Happy Birthday, Big Evil Dan...
02/21/01 - Some things are universal...
02/20/01 - Grumpy Old Spacemen...
02/19/01 - Hurray for the Information Superhighway #4...
02/19/01 - Hurray for the Information Superhighway #3...
02/18/01 - Some traditions are meant to be broken...
02/18/01 - Comic Contest #5 - Vanilla flips...
02/16/01 - Comic Contest #4: 3-dementia...
02/13/01 - Comic Contest #3: The rules...
02/13/01 - Say 'ello to ma liddle frien'...
02/12/01 - I hate street mimes...
02/12/01 - I dunno what it means, either...
02/12/01 - Never turn your back on a squirrel...
02/11/01 - Comic Contest #2: Toothgnip's imminent death...
02/09/01 - Takin' it outside...
02/09/01 - The truth is out there - a response to a response, etc.
02/09/01 - About the comic contest...
02/09/01 - Comic Contest #1: Phillip's imminent death...
02/09/01 - The truth is out there - a response....
02/08/01 - Job interview at the League of Superheroes IV...
02/08/01 - Job interview at the League of Superheroes III...
02/08/01 - Job interview at the League of Superheroes II...
02/08/01 - Job interview at the League of Superheroes...
02/07/01 - Electile dysfunction...
02/07/01 - Captain Obvious meets Mr. Oblivious...
02/06/01 - Mr. Oblivious...
02/06/01 - Remaking a classic - Who am I?
02/06/01 - Irony...
02/06/01 - Roger is weird...
02/06/01 - No mas...
02/06/01 - The running gag that will not die: Mixed-up punchlines...
02/06/01 - Programming 101...
02/06/01 - A nation perplexed: Subliminable messages...
02/06/01 - A nation perplexed: Secret agent man!
02/06/01 - More variations on a meme...
02/05/01 - A nation perplexed: The truth is out there...
02/02/01 - A nation perplexed: The president responds - part II
02/02/01 - A nation perplexed: The president responds - part I
02/01/01 - A nation perplexed...
02/01/01 - Sight Gag #2...
02/01/01 - Trollin', trollin', trollin'...
01/31/01 - Helpful Tips #1...
01/31/01 - Welcoming the new kofightclub characters, continued...
01/31/01 - Low Pass Orientation...
01/31/01 - Singing the Blues...
01/31/01 - An excuse to use the new characters...
01/31/01 - The Ex-Existentialists...
01/31/01 - Stimulating Conversation...
01/30/01 - The Visitors...
01/30/01 - Send in the Clones...
01/30/01 - Half-Assed Cartoon...
01/30/01 - Phallistic Missile #1...
01/30/01 - How to tell Limeys from Yanks #1...
01/30/01 - Crisis on flight 137...
01/30/01 - Rebel without a clue...
01/28/01 - Tribute to Andy Warhol...
01/28/01 - [object] not found...
01/27/01 - Stickless...
01/27/01 - Hooray for the Information Superhighway #2...
01/26/01 - Dialectics...
01/26/01 - Just Say Maybe...
01/26/01 - Hurray for the Information Superhighway!
01/26/01 - Sight Gag #1...
01/26/01 - New World Order...
01/26/01 - Epiphany #1...
01/26/01 - The Grumpy Reaper...
01/26/01 - Hip cartoon formula #1...
01/26/01 - Genius at work...
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