Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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Merry Christ-my-ass
Happy Birthday, Jesus! I brought you a gift!
You can stick that "Happy Birthday" and that gift where the sun don't shine, snowbitch!
What kind of gratitude is that? Maybe I'll just keep the sweater!
Yeah, yippee hooray for me. YOU try being nailed to a cross all day on YOUR birthday and see how YOU like it, ya bastard! Keep the damn sweater!
Damn me and my temper! I should have accepted the sweater. I could cut glass with my nipples right now...
wirthling's Comics
05/16/15 - Amgibooity
03/05/07 - The Comedy Stylings of Wirthling's Dead Grampa #4
03/05/07 - The Comedy Stylings of Wirthling's Dead Grampa #3
03/05/07 - The Comedy Stylings of Wirthling's Dead Grampa #2
03/05/07 - The Comedy Stylings of Wirthling's Dead Grampa #1
03/05/07 - Back to Normal
03/05/07 - Four More Beers
10/18/05 - The Noodle Testament
09/05/05 - Fate-Based Initiative
09/01/05 - Mediacrity
08/31/05 - Infellation
08/30/05 - Mer de Gras
08/25/05 - Less is Less
07/25/05 - It's the Media's Default
04/06/05 - Don't save this comic...don't save this comic...
12/30/04 - Quickie
02/11/04 - Senile Physics
12/18/03 - The Lack of Creativity Comic
09/27/03 - Wirthling the Hutt
09/27/03 - Heart of Dorkness
02/13/03 - CC 170: Because I Have Nothing Better To Do
02/04/03 - The New Defaults
01/30/03 - The Druid of TheTwilightZonehenge
10/25/02 - Another lame "ha ha boorite has no pants" comic
09/22/02 - Red Robot Faces a Career Crisis
08/26/02 - I'm a big meanie
08/23/02 - CC139: Can't think of a title
08/21/02 - Ozzy-Dylan Physics
08/18/02 - CCIX #19
08/13/02 - CCIX #18
08/05/02 - CCIX #17
07/30/02 - CCIX # 16
07/26/02 - CCIX #15
07/19/02 - CCIX #14
07/16/02 - Trials and Tribulations
07/16/02 - This Comic has been signed for the Rule-1-Impaired
07/15/02 - CCIX #13
07/13/02 - CCIX #12
07/09/02 - CCIX #11
07/04/02 - CCIX #10
07/03/02 - CCIX #9
06/29/02 - CCIX #8
06/25/02 - ccix #7
06/24/02 - David Mamet Presents...
06/21/02 - CCIX #6
06/16/02 - CCIX # 5
06/14/02 - I give up.
06/13/02 - CCIX #4
06/11/02 - CCIX #3
06/10/02 - CCIX #2
06/07/02 - CCIX #1
05/30/02 - Whooo!!!!
05/28/02 - Bubbles and Ben - Survivors of the Nuclear Holocaust (1)
05/23/02 - Class Incarnate
05/01/02 - An Extremely Useful Comic
04/30/02 - New Guy
04/24/02 - CC 116: The War of the Words
04/22/02 - Please Pardon the Interruption
04/16/02 - wirthbert
03/29/02 - CC110: Diablo McNuggets
03/28/02 - CC110: Kaufman Made Me Do It
03/25/02 - CC109: Last Words in New York
03/25/02 - CC109: Cliché Theatre Presents "Black Widow"
03/25/02 - CC109: Two for the Price of One
03/13/02 - Pas de Dougan
03/07/02 - Ask Genie Mae
03/04/02 - Th nd.
02/13/02 - One-Note Theatre Presents: Slow Joe
02/12/02 - CC99: Whit Monday
02/12/02 - The Chinese Mid-Autumn Moon Festival
02/11/02 - Mr. Post-Modern Meets Mr. Oblivious #1
02/11/02 - Mr. Post-Modern Meets Mr. Oblivious #3
02/11/02 - Mr. Post-Modern Meets Mr. Oblivious #2
02/10/02 - Germany Invades Comic 56000, Paris Weeps
02/07/02 - Movie in 3 Panels: Meet Joe Black
02/05/02 - An Extremely Pointless Comic
02/05/02 - Operation Enduring Hypocrisy
02/05/02 - Operation Enduring Denial
02/04/02 - Just Because
02/01/02 - CC97: A Half-Life is Better than None, Part 3
02/01/02 - CC97: A Half-Life is Better than None, Part 2
02/01/02 - CC97: A Half-Life is Better than None, Part 1
02/01/02 - Comic Cup 8 Round 1 - Crims and Misdemeanors
01/29/02 - Nary a clue about the rest, but rule 4 is my bitch
01/29/02 - CC96: Obligatory Free Tech Support
01/28/02 - CC96: Joystick Trouble
01/28/02 - Guest Director: Ed Wood
01/28/02 - Hamlet: A Jerry Bruckheimer Production
01/25/02 - 11001000
01/25/02 - CC95: Also Starring Bill Gates as the Emperor
01/24/02 - Serial Comic VI: Decent Help is Hard to Find
01/23/02 - CC 94: After-School Special
01/23/02 - CC 94: The Classiest Comic EVER!
01/22/02 - Zen and the Art of Wife Maintenance: Episode 3
01/22/02 - Zen and the Art of Wife Maintenance: Episode 2
01/22/02 - Zen and the Art of Wife Maintenance: Episode 1
01/22/02 - Contrary to Appearance, KKP Does Get Emotional Sometimes
01/17/02 - Passing the Time
12/27/01 - Roger is Abnormous
12/27/01 - A Comic With Three Panels and Words and Stuff
12/25/01 - O Whorey Night...
12/25/01 - You have the boorite to remain silent...
12/17/01 - The Lost Seuss Files: Junky's Naked Lunchy
12/12/01 - Comic Cup VII: The Weakest Strip - Round 2
12/10/01 - Comic Cup VII: The Weakest Strip
12/07/01 - CC85: Chockfull o' Chick
12/07/01 - CC85: One of the Bible's Lesser-Known Lessons
12/07/01 - Cowboy Fission
12/04/01 - Wirthling Physics
12/04/01 - Physics Metaphysics
11/28/01 - Oh, please, not again...
11/27/01 - The Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name, Part 2
11/27/01 - Rudolph the Red-Noser
11/27/01 - Merry Christ-my-ass
11/27/01 - A Meeting of Minds
11/16/01 - CC80: Gratuitous Gabe-Bashing, Part MCMLXVIII
11/16/01 - CC80: Baldilocks and the Three Bros
11/15/01 - CC80: Mysterious Gabe Mutilations Explained
11/01/01 - CC76: Color Me Disqualified
10/23/01 - CC 75: Prequel -- Even lesser is morerer
10/21/01 - Less is more...
10/19/01 - Comic Cup V - I vote for habnem...
10/16/01 - CC73 - Never Can Say Goodbye
10/16/01 - Cup 5 Interlude II: Surprise Attack!
10/12/01 - DexX is a Dingo-Humping Bastard
10/09/01 - Crappy-ass comic
10/09/01 - Untitled
10/05/01 - CC 70: Next Stop, Planet Häagen-Dazs
10/03/01 - Vaudeville for Grammar Dorks
10/02/01 - CC69: Eat it, ObiJo
10/02/01 - CC69: Barely Legal Tender
10/02/01 - Comic Cup V - Praise to the StripCreator!
10/01/01 - CC68: Tobor Gets a Study Date
10/01/01 - CC68: Tobor Visits the Rathskeller
09/27/01 - CC67: teh d00d on teh Left iz JAson!!!!1!!
09/24/01 - CC66: Soul for sale, very low mileage...
09/24/01 - Damn the paradoxes, full speed behind!
09/23/01 - CC65: The Lineup
09/21/01 - CC64: Lamety-lame entry-like product
09/17/01 - CC63: Newblear Winter
09/15/01 - Serial Comic ]|[: The Aussie Ass-Assassin Scene
09/13/01 - Untitled
09/13/01 - Untitled
09/10/01 - CC 61: ObiJo, Conqueror of World and Stage
09/07/01 - Titanic in 3 panels...
09/07/01 - Something Wicked This Way Swims
09/05/01 - CC 60: Blow me - part 2
09/04/01 - CC 59: The Pink Slip
08/27/01 - CC 57: You've got cancer!
08/26/01 - Science boldly marches on...
08/24/01 - True Bible Stories: Believe It or BURN IN HELL!!!
08/21/01 - At the 1st annual stripcreator convention...
08/20/01 - CC 54: Namblachu
08/20/01 - When it absolutely, positively has to get there some day...
08/16/01 - Night of the Living Head
08/15/01 - Battlefield Earth in 3 panels...
08/13/01 - Fun games to play when visiting senile relatives...
08/13/01 - I hate visiting Grandpa...
08/09/01 - CC 52: The war against the sun continues...
08/09/01 - Comic Cup III - Inside wirthling's head...
08/06/01 - CC51 - Moral relativity
07/23/01 - Dude Duet
07/23/01 - CC47: Lousy excuse to use the new art...
06/29/01 - CC40: Buffer overflow...
06/26/01 - For some reason, Roger never gets laid...
06/24/01 - CC39: God on a ball...
06/17/01 - CC 37 - The horror, the horror...
06/15/01 - CC36 - Sodomy is also part of the winning formula...
06/09/01 - CC35: Tyrell's Imminent Death
06/06/01 - The evolution of Michael Jackson...
06/06/01 - Interview with Ken Griffey, Jr.
06/06/01 - Zen Master P...
06/06/01 - More fuel for boorite's theory...
06/04/01 - CC34: Maximum Insecurity...
06/03/01 - Serial II - Roundin' up the posse...
06/03/01 - CC 33: The ManBot 2000 - Part II
06/03/01 - CC 33: The ManBot 2000 - Part I
05/31/01 - Tourettes Timmy courts Little Miss Tourette...
05/28/01 - The Bible's Funniest Bloopers...
05/28/01 - The other famous crucified guy...
05/27/01 - Disney World's other least favorite theme park...
05/27/01 - Disney World's least favorite theme park...
05/24/01 - CC32: Around the holy water cooler...
05/23/01 - CC31 - When in doubt, use the dog on a ball...
05/17/01 - CC30: Cliché Theatre presents: "Love Is..."
05/11/01 - Tobor goes to a job interview...
05/11/01 - CC 29: The Generation Gap...
05/08/01 - CC 28: The Worst Comic Contest Entry Ever
05/04/01 - The Robot Antidefamation League speaks...
05/01/01 - CC 27: The value of a Philosophy degree...
04/28/01 - CC 26: All out of ideas...
04/23/01 - CC 25: The revolution begins here...
04/18/01 - Comic Contest 23: Gabe's Imminent Death
04/12/01 - Comic Contest 22: Meet the One-Note Players...
04/11/01 - Welcome to the Low Pass Elite Club...
04/10/01 - Comic Contest XXI: Just what the world needs...
04/06/01 - Comic Contest XX: The Larch...
04/05/01 - Comic Contest XIX: The Incredible, Oedipal Choad...
04/05/01 - The underachiever...
04/01/01 - Serial Comic: On Human Bondage...
03/31/01 - Comic Contest XVII: Mr. Sociopath goes a-courtin'...
03/29/01 - Yet more suggestions for Emeril...
03/29/01 - More suggestions for Emeril...
03/26/01 - The Gramm(p)ys...
03/26/01 - Comic Contest XVI: Yet another pre-disqualified entry...
03/24/01 - Comic Contest XV: Rules, schmules...
03/21/01 - Comic Contest XIV: Sad but true haiku...
03/19/01 - Comic Contest XIII: We are the Borg...
03/16/01 - Nobody likes Dr. Pedantic...
03/09/01 - Comic Contest XI: wirthling's lame attempt...
03/03/01 - Comic Contest X: Sit-Comic...
03/02/01 - 10?
03/01/01 - Comic Contest #9: And vhere's the Vhite House furniture?
02/26/01 - Comic Contest #8: Scrooge forgets his medication...
02/25/01 - Roger ict veirden...
02/23/01 - Comic Contest #7: Can I buy a vowel, Pat?
02/22/01 - Happy Birthday, Big Evil Dan...
02/21/01 - Some things are universal...
02/20/01 - Grumpy Old Spacemen...
02/19/01 - Hurray for the Information Superhighway #4...
02/19/01 - Hurray for the Information Superhighway #3...
02/18/01 - Some traditions are meant to be broken...
02/18/01 - Comic Contest #5 - Vanilla flips...
02/16/01 - Comic Contest #4: 3-dementia...
02/13/01 - Comic Contest #3: The rules...
02/13/01 - Say 'ello to ma liddle frien'...
02/12/01 - I hate street mimes...
02/12/01 - I dunno what it means, either...
02/12/01 - Never turn your back on a squirrel...
02/11/01 - Comic Contest #2: Toothgnip's imminent death...
02/09/01 - Takin' it outside...
02/09/01 - The truth is out there - a response to a response, etc.
02/09/01 - About the comic contest...
02/09/01 - Comic Contest #1: Phillip's imminent death...
02/09/01 - The truth is out there - a response....
02/08/01 - Job interview at the League of Superheroes IV...
02/08/01 - Job interview at the League of Superheroes III...
02/08/01 - Job interview at the League of Superheroes II...
02/08/01 - Job interview at the League of Superheroes...
02/07/01 - Electile dysfunction...
02/07/01 - Captain Obvious meets Mr. Oblivious...
02/06/01 - Mr. Oblivious...
02/06/01 - Remaking a classic - Who am I?
02/06/01 - Irony...
02/06/01 - Roger is weird...
02/06/01 - No mas...
02/06/01 - The running gag that will not die: Mixed-up punchlines...
02/06/01 - Programming 101...
02/06/01 - A nation perplexed: Subliminable messages...
02/06/01 - A nation perplexed: Secret agent man!
02/06/01 - More variations on a meme...
02/05/01 - A nation perplexed: The truth is out there...
02/02/01 - A nation perplexed: The president responds - part II
02/02/01 - A nation perplexed: The president responds - part I
02/01/01 - A nation perplexed...
02/01/01 - Sight Gag #2...
02/01/01 - Trollin', trollin', trollin'...
01/31/01 - Helpful Tips #1...
01/31/01 - Welcoming the new kofightclub characters, continued...
01/31/01 - Low Pass Orientation...
01/31/01 - Singing the Blues...
01/31/01 - An excuse to use the new characters...
01/31/01 - The Ex-Existentialists...
01/31/01 - Stimulating Conversation...
01/30/01 - The Visitors...
01/30/01 - Send in the Clones...
01/30/01 - Half-Assed Cartoon...
01/30/01 - Phallistic Missile #1...
01/30/01 - How to tell Limeys from Yanks #1...
01/30/01 - Crisis on flight 137...
01/30/01 - Rebel without a clue...
01/28/01 - Tribute to Andy Warhol...
01/28/01 - [object] not found...
01/27/01 - Stickless...
01/27/01 - Hooray for the Information Superhighway #2...
01/26/01 - Dialectics...
01/26/01 - Just Say Maybe...
01/26/01 - Hurray for the Information Superhighway!
01/26/01 - Sight Gag #1...
01/26/01 - New World Order...
01/26/01 - Epiphany #1...
01/26/01 - The Grumpy Reaper...
01/26/01 - Hip cartoon formula #1...
01/26/01 - Genius at work...
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