Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Word weaver receives her name from her skills to weave words into tapestries of enigma, madness, and cute bunnies running through fields eating nectarines. Only $5.95 on eBay! Nelfaciel you rock! You don't know me, but your comix are kickass!
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by word_weaver13
Lexy and Victor try to make sense of the exhuberant matador at the first meeting of the LOOP.
Whee! Welcome to meeting one of the Leage of Ordinary People! (Changed to be politically correct.)
LOOP members' first mission will be a simple one...
Really Mr. GW Bush, there are NO Weapons. None, nadda, zippo.
Are ya sure? You gotta be sure that there ain't no bombs er nuthin.
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