Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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"3 years a go my sister was diagnosed with multiple personalities. There's nothing funny about that. But she called my house and my caller i.d. exploded." - Zach Galifianakas
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by xBillx
they're back...
ladies and gentlemen, we are proud to announce our glorious return to the world of interweb comic strips!
some of you might wonder what we were up to during our mysterious hiatus. well, i took a soul searching trip across the country, seeing all that our beautiful country has to offer.
thats a lie. you spent ever day sprawled out on the couch like a dying seal, watching daytime courtroom shows with a huge bowl of macaroni and cheese resting on your crotch.
however, were glad to be back to our stomping grounds. we missed all our faithful readers, are glad to be back supplying them with pannel after pannel of hillarity.
yeah, now ellert can have something to read between class and work.
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