Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Hiya I'm a wanna-be illustrator! One thing that's actually important about me in this website is that I llllooovvveee comics! Starting from anime to Garfield. Well anyways my first comic series on stripcreator is LJ (Leo and Joel Forever!). Please read it and send me a comment! BTW- Sorry I used too many !'s
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by xmtarix
I'm in this garbage bin because if I am not the people will burn this trash and create more pollution!
Wow you're so cool saving the earth like that!
Bye! Good luck with saving the planet! You're my hero!Seeya tomorrow!
Wow Maura's so pretty. Good thing I made a good excuse 'cause I actually got stuffed here by bullies and can't get out!
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