Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Totally nonconformist 40 year old mum of two - who loves life, enjoys doing mad things, and lives on a Island by the sea.
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by yiddishbabe
Oh come on, are we talking morals of religion or are we talking control?
We'll er um .. I guess Morality is part of religion
You just don't get it Morality isn't about religion it's about having a controled society - what I'm getting at is how we are treated by men parsay
Yes but is for our best interests
What a load of Shit - men only do it to put us down for thier own self gratification, since when do we see men having to take the shit we do??
But they need to protects us - Like we are the weaker sex aren't we??
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