Jan goes off to tell her friends that Claire's lost it
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| Hey Sal, have you heard what Claire's trying to do, I think that she's totally lost it!! | |
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| So What's she doing - knowing her it's bound to be interesting, thought provoking and system bashing | |
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| Well she's decided to start a movement, against Religion and men controlling women. Like she really believes that Religion is the root of all our problems! | |
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| Jan, god you've got you head stuck so far up Religions arse - that you'd never understand - She's right, Men and religion have been putting us down for far too long it's about time we bit back!! | |
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Thing's are starting to come together
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| Hey Claire, do you need a campainer for your cause?? Right on gal it's time we did sort this mess out - If it wasn't for us there wouldn't be any men around - we have to give birth to the Bastards. | |
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| Well I'm thinking of an on line web site - it's a small start but from small eggs and all that | |
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