Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Your soul is mine...... so cough it up! Matt Ronny and Maddie all hate you
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by yourSoul_isMine
Hey Ronny! Have you seen my new movie?
yeah. It sucked
wasn't it awsome? I mean-how did James manage to kill Trixie? He was supposed to kill Patricia!
no, man. The movie was lame. LAME. It SUCKED
and did you see when Trixie died? That was so- _____________ _ ...really?
YOUR MOVIE SUCKED, MATT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS LAME, AND SCREWED UP!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M NEVER WATCHING ANOTHER MOVIE BY YOU AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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