The only thing that made me laugh on this whole site was the rules:
Don't register multiple accounts.
You may not register more than one account for any reason.
Don't copy other comics.
You may not copy comics that other users have created so that viewers believe that you are the original creator of the comic.
The guy that runs this site claims that he doesn't think he's ripped off StripCreator in any way, despite his front page, comic viewing and programming being an almost carbon copy of brad's.
Rate the comic, NOT the user.
When you are commenting on a comic, do not rate it based on your personal feelings for the user that created the comic. Rate the comic fairly based on how good you feel that it is. If you are found to be rating all comics by a particular user with extremely low or extremely high ratings, your account may be suspended, or the privledge of commenting and rating comics may be taken away. This does not mean that if you dislike or like most of a user's comics you cannot rate them all poorly or highly.
Must. Not. Let. Emotions. Cloud. Judgement.
Explain your rating if it differs greatly from previous ratings.
If a comic has received very high ratings from most of the previous users, please try to explain your reasoning for the rating you give the comic if it is substantially different from the others.
If you have an original thought, you must EXPLAIN YOURSELF, lest you be banned, apparently.
Do not spam.
You may not post pointless topics or replies.
Hrm, it would appear that Matt is slowly changing his site to make it less like StripCreator. He's removed his front page and moved the "what's new" sidebar to THE OTHER SIDE!!!
Here is a pic of what it used to look like, just so that you can tell how much of rip-off it was.
Dad was flammable