No, billions of dollars for the space program is the same as billions of dollars for an unecessary war. It is money well-spent elsewhere. Here's an idea nobody ever thought of, probably with a better result:
Instead of spending 87 billion dollars to get our boys killed, test out new war toys, and play cowboys and Arabians, why didn't we just GIVE Saddam Hussein two billion dollars with a contract stipulation, signed by France, Germany, and other countries, to stop doing whatever it is that little Bushie don't want him to do? Why? Because it's the principal of the thing. That would just be wrong, right?
Even the hardest-core liberal may balk a bit at giving Saddam Hussein two billion dollars through an agreement or treaty to stop killing his own people, being naughty, overcharging us for oil, etc. The thing is, we've already thrown money at Saddam back in the dizzay to do what we want him to do. Why not do that again? Why didn't they try that?
As for the space program, I, too, agree with everything mAAk said about it. 100-frikkin-%. Somebody ought to call the Power Company and ask if Hell has paid their heating bill.
As for what DragonXero said, I don't understand that rationale. You're saying if we spend a shitload of money to do some crazy shit in space, everybody in the good ol' U.S. will resolve their differences, right? I think that's backwards cause-and-effect. We need to come together as a people BEFORE we explore outer space together. By people, I mean the world. Who the fuck wants to live in a galaxy where the Russians have one quadrant, while the U.S., Britain, and maybe China are bogarding two quadrants themselves?
Besides that, how many times have you decided, instead of spending the money to fix that leaky roof, you would go on vacation for a year, buy yourself new clothes, new car, etc.? Do you really think that when you come back home that leaky roof is going to all of a sudden not be leaky anymore?
The giant three-phallused phallus of Uzbekistan will one day squirt the cosmic jizz of revenge all over Canada.