This is what I replied to nicejohnson's plea for help for Valentine's Day:
I've been single on several a Valentine's Day and I never made as big a deal out of it as you. I think it's pathetic that it's such a big deal to you that you'd be desperate enough to ask strangers on the internet for advice on how to snag a guy for this occasion. Furthermore, you're young and there are at least 70 more Valentine's Days in your future for you to have a date for. I realize the lure of boys is strong at your age, but they're all pretty much jerks at your age too. Save yourself the trouble and go out with some girl friends.
I used to have a single's night out for Valentine's Day for all those who didn't have a SO to share the day with. I mean, just because they're the same sex doesn't mean they don't love you. I'm really sorry cheap Hallmark tricks work on you to make you feel depressed and sad on a day when there are plenty of others out there who would love to spend their time with you. It's just a day, they just throw a tag on it. I hope you're not back in October asking advice on how to get a guy for "Sweetest Day".
Also, I dislike guys who think Valentine's Day is some sort of way to make up for all the crap they give you the rest of the year. ("Remember that bracelet I got you for Valentine's Day this year?" "That was 5 months ago, what have you done for me lately, besides throw your beer cans on the floor 'so I'd have something to do'?")
I hate to sound so negative, but seriously, it's just another day, and nothing to get worked up over. Especially since most guys your age don't even have enough money to take you anywhere better than McD's anyway.
If you want to attack me, do so here. Yes, I realize it's easier to say when you have someone to spend Valentine's Day with, but that doesn't mean I haven't been there and I wouldn't say the same if I were single.
I won't be alone on Valentine's day. I have my friends Jack, Jose, Jameson, Bailey, Jim and Bushmill to keep me company. And they'll be keeping me company, be sure of that.
Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.