Nuh uh! Ashton Kucher teaching imperialism is funny-ish for two panels, then it becomes like one of those touch the car competitions. How dare you make me read through 6 panels of edutainment (without the tainment I might add). Dude, Where was the twist? You forgot the fucking twist. I mean tell the truth, when you read it does it get funnier and funnier as you read each panel? Do you start off giggling at the 1st panel only to find yourself rolling on the floor at the end as he continuously churns out the same schpiel(sp?)
No pay-off and I read it all 'cos I thought a comic that shit had to be building up to something good. I was wrong.
Welcome to a store and pizza are the only ones that are funny. All your other pretentious crap are just that. What,did you go to drama school or something to learn how to be funny? Irreverance has been done a thousand times before on this site and much better, your comics don't flow.
But maybe I am missing something, so if you would care to explain the thought process behind it maybe I will get it.
btw magazines like Loaded and comics like Viz are very good at the 'have a celebrity teach something mundane like Roy Scheider on How to build a Shed or something'but even they stick a twist in eventually.
Maybe it was coming in part 43? I will never know though 'cos I wouldn't want to read anymore of it.
Tell me which comics of mine you think were particularly shit and why, the chances are I might agree with you but until you even attempt to back up your statement I will just assume they were over your head.
GOVT. Warning: Do not smoke around children they will badger you for fags.