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Stripcreator » Fights Go Here » R.I.P. Ronald Reagan



crazy knife lady

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Responsible commentators mustn't speak ill of the dead, so it's up to me.

I cast my first-ever Presidential vote for Ronald Reagan. It was 1984, and I was a freshman in college. I'll never forget the disappointment and disillusionment that grew within me as I proceeded to study the man's policies, both foreign and domestic. Disappointment turned to outrage as I plumbed the depths of Reagan's secret terror war in Nicaragua. I had been lied to, and I had bought it, and no one is more pissed off than a sucker who finds out he's been had.

Reagan's lies filled volumes, and the blood from his secret wars could have filled swimming pools. There was a popular little paperback, shelved in the bookstore's humor section alongside numerous Garfield books, called There He Goes Again: Ronald Reagan's Reign of Error. The constancy of the misinformation flowing from his lips, and the fact that his "mistakes" always broke his way, removed any reasonable doubt that he was a shrewd liar in the guise of an affable dumbass. The book included a letter to Reagan from John Wayne, asking him to stop all this goddamn lying.

For Reagan's second term, a revised and much expanded edition was called for.

This weekend, responsible journalists have been crowding every mic to share their warm memories of this President. None of them mentioned the hilarious time that Roberto D'Aubisson, an Administration favorite and head of El Salvador's "White Hand" death squad, danced with Nancy at Reagan's first Inaugural ball, then told reporters, "You Europeans had the right idea. You saw the Jews behind Communism and started to kill them."

Journalists' memories of Reagan seem to consist of shimmery soft-focus shots of a tall, handsome old cowboy waving in slow motion to cheering crowds while confetti snows down all around him. They remember stirring speeches and off-the-cuff wit. I confess that I remember mostly place names: Beirut, Nicaragua, Iran, Grenada, El Salvador, Libya. Also, the names of our friends: Marcos, Pinochet, Botha, Suharto, Duvalier, Somoza. And the accompanying jubilation that America was riding tall in the saddle.

As journalists recall Reagan's charming anecdotes, I remember his malicious, made-up claptrap about welfare queens driving new Cadillacs and living on prime rib. I remember his odes to free enterprise even as he pinned a third-of-a-trillion-dollar-bill to our asses for the S&L scandal over which he presided. I remember him as a backwards Robin Hood, stealing from the poor and giving to the rich.

More than anyone, more even than Nixon, Ronald Reagan broke the heart of anyone who had any serious hope left in American politics. He proved that a half-smart crook who looked and sounded good on TV could be a wildly popular US President as long as he faithfully read what was handed to him. And he could get out of any sleazebag scandal just by smiling, tilting his head at a slight angle, and saying, "Well..." It scarcely mattered what he said after that. He had us at "well."

Nixon at least had the courtesy to look evil. And when we found out what a liar he was, we ran him out of town like a starving coyote. And we were ashamed before the world.

Under Reagan, we got used to the idea of the President lying to us. We grew accustomed to shady business dealings and clandestine violence in faraway lands. We applauded it all. If the world looked down on us for it, that was their problem, not ours. This was Ronald Reagan's contribution to American politics.

What others say about boorite!

6-07-04 7:50am (new)
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Film critic subordinaire

Member Rated:

You forgot Saddam Hussein in his list of friends.

6-07-04 7:59am (new)
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Sock of the walk

Member Rated:

nobodys gonna understand all those old punk songs that bash reagon now :(

xx( o Y o. )xx

6-07-04 9:56am (new)
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Member Rated:

don't forget when he ordered to open fire on all those protesting UC students. he may have been governor at the time, but I wouldn't have wanted THAT for my president.

I didn't know about that book. It reminds me of Bushisms and things that we have now. I can't remember if Clinton had similar things...?

6-07-04 10:13am (new)
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Member Rated:

As much as Reagan did for conservatives in America, his presidency played a big part in helping define exactly what liberalism meant to the liberals. Politics is always a give-and-take game, but unless a president did something bad enough to get himself arrested taking glee in his death (which I'm not saying you are doing boorite) is just deranged to me. All presidents have American troops die on their watch, all Presidents make mistakes, and all Presidents are elected by the people. If the people poo-pooing on Reagan's death spent half their energy focusing on providing positive input towards their own party we'd all be better off. The president is only a part of the government, and you give up a lot to even run. There's a reason we don't have excellent people in government service, and it has nothing to do with availability of good people or the relatively small pay check.

And to that end, I really doubt we've ever had a cartoonish, evil president. Nixon has taken on that caricature, but they are all human. I really don't know if I could imagine what Clinton or Bush and their families have went through and are still going through.

Mocking someone who honorably served their country is just grotesque to me.

And speaking of Saddam Hussein, and to that end, I actually was kind of sad when I saw the pictures of him arrested. A small part of me respected the strength it must have taken to unite Iraq and conquer his political enemies. I think turning your enemies, at home and abroad, into blank symbols of evil is part of what's wrong with society. And if you still want to beat your enemies politically, understanding them is the best way to do it.

Vote Jeb Bush 2008

6-07-04 12:35pm (new)
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Shoots the shit and often misses

Member Rated:

I think turning your enemies, at home and abroad, into blank symbols of evil is part of what's wrong with society. And if you still want to beat your enemies politically, understanding them is the best way to do it.

Wh-what? Who is this and what did he do with MaKK? You mean you're not endorsing the policy of using a face to warmonger and pile up fear about a devil incarnate?

The giant three-phallused phallus of Uzbekistan will one day squirt the cosmic jizz of revenge all over Canada.

6-07-04 12:58pm (new)
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crazy knife lady

Member Rated:

I agree that taking glee in his death might be deranged, Makk. I also think celebrating his twisted Presidency is kind of deranged.

When Clinton dies, I suspect I'll have similar feelings.

You're right that getting elected President takes a... let's say a certain kind of person, since we mustn't say "evil."

What others say about boorite!

6-07-04 1:04pm (new)
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Member Rated:

Saddam Hussein might be the reason we went to war, but gleefully dancing when and if he is killed would be somewhat sick for the average American. For the people he actually wronged I couldn't judge those emotions. Likewise supposing that our troubles out of Iraq are over as long as Hussein is gone is incorrect.

If you politically didn't like Reagan, he stopped doing "damage" after his presidency. Lurking after him and taking glee in his suffering bespeaks of a more disturbing mindset.

Vote Jeb Bush 2008

6-07-04 1:15pm (new)
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Member Rated:

That's a good point, MaKK. I knew a guy on another forum who was all dancing when Hussein died. I told him to shut his fucking mouth. I was called unpatriotic. But still it seems shitty to be happy when someone has something bad done to them. The Torah says, "I do not wish any harm to come to my enemies, nor do I wish them any glee." Or something along those lines. I don't want anything shitty to happen to anyone, really. Sure, Reagan sucked as a president, but I'm not gonna be dancing around his corpse.

Anyway, that's for the Liberal Bashing thread. This is all the negative things to say about Reagan.

6-07-04 2:00pm (new)
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Member Rated:

Actually Hussein is still alive, I was talking about when he's captured, but I think I know what you mean. He might as well be as good as dead.

Vote Jeb Bush 2008

6-07-04 2:23pm (new)
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Sock of the walk

Member Rated:

no way!

xx( o Y o. )xx

6-07-04 6:13pm (new)
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Member Rated:

Yeah, just a mistake. I actually changed the second one from dead to captured but I missed the first one.

I still think they're holding him with a leash and training him to sing "God Bless America," while feeding him apple pie and forcing him to watch "Happy Days."

6-07-04 6:29pm (new)
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Director of Cats

Member Rated:

And he's using the splitter background.


6-07-04 6:35pm (new)
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crazy knife lady

Member Rated:

I think the damage lived on. Think, for example, of the S&L bailout. By the early 90s, interest had ballooned the bill on that one to half a trillion bucks. And so it galls me to hear commentators holding him up as some kind of ideal. OK, maybe he was a sweet guy, and certainly no one deserves to suffer and die. But that is a separate issue from his political career, which in my view was nasty.

Boundaries, anyone? Just because he was likeable and had a terrible disease, do we need to lobotomize ourselves regarding his presidency?

That would be disturbing, yes.

What others say about boorite!

6-08-04 6:33am (new)
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Sock of the walk

Member Rated:

Actually i heard he was scrolling down the background list and choosing splitter

xx( o Y o. )xx

6-08-04 7:02am (new)
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Member Rated:

Actually i heard he was scrolling down the background list and choosing splitter

Are you sure? I read in the newspaper that he kept selecting splitter in the background selecting area. He may be a ruthless ex-dictator, but man, has he got taste.

6-08-04 9:28am (new)
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Junior Comic Technician

Member Rated:


I still think they're holding him with a leash and training him to sing "God Bless America," while feeding him apple pie and forcing him to watch "Happy Days."

Surely they wouldnt go so far as to torture their prisoners with "Happy Days". Thats against the Geneva convention.

Can't you see they're laughing at you not with you????

6-08-04 11:28am (new)
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Junior Comic Technician

Member Rated:

I suspect God killed Reagan to win over the heart of Jodie Foster.

I don't use drugs; my dreams are frightening enough.

6-08-04 12:25pm (new)
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Member Rated:

That was a low blow, yet a very high-brow low blow at that. Here's a buck, Sport.

6-08-04 1:31pm (new)
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Impressionable Adolescent

Member Rated:

I like Happy Days.


I think, therefore I make comments on a forum.

6-08-04 7:43pm (new)
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Looking for love in ALL the wrong places, baby!

Member Rated:

Well... there they go again.

"Jelly-belly gigglin, dancin and a-wigglin, honey that's the way I am!" Janice the Muppet

6-08-04 8:30pm (new)
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Forum comment:

Member Rated:

Whoa, Bill Clinton died too?

Chicken Feather Bed Bugs Bunny Hop Sing Out Side Street Walker Texas Ranger Cookie Dough Boy Wonder Years

6-08-04 10:12pm (new)
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Looking for love in ALL the wrong places, baby!

Member Rated:

Clinton was smarter, but he didn't have as many movie lines to draw from. It's a wash, really.

"Jelly-belly gigglin, dancin and a-wigglin, honey that's the way I am!" Janice the Muppet

6-09-04 7:43pm (new)
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crazy knife lady

Member Rated:

Clinton bore the nickname "Slick Willy" from day 1. Reagan, on the other hand, was called "The Great Communicator." Clinton got impeached for lying about a blowjob. Reagan emerged unscathed from lying about secret wars and arms deals. And so on. I don't think Clinton ever inspired such a willing suspension of disbelief as did Reagan.

Clinton was a crook and a war criminal. That I won't contest. But he was a far more substantial intellect and, I think, a more effective President than Reagan, by far. And Clinton's supporters are not the kind of people who will shriek to have his image put on the ten-dollar bill, or to have the Pentagon renamed "The Clinton Pentagon." Clinton was not and is not idolized, and in my view, that makes him preferable to Reagan.

What others say about boorite!

6-10-04 7:05am (new)
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I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

Member Rated:

I think the damage lived on. Think, for example, of the S&L bailout. By the early 90s, interest had ballooned the bill on that one to half a trillion bucks. And so it galls me to hear commentators holding him up as some kind of ideal. OK, maybe he was a sweet guy, and certainly no one deserves to suffer and die. But that is a separate issue from his political career, which in my view was nasty.

Boundaries, anyone? Just because he was likeable and had a terrible disease, do we need to lobotomize ourselves regarding his presidency?

That would be disturbing, yes.

I dont't think anyone should be forced to praise a man's life for any reason, but I don't think any man's death should be celebrated.

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

6-10-04 3:33pm (new)
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Stripcreator » Fights Go Here » R.I.P. Ronald Reagan

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