Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Stripcreator » Fights Go Here » Fights Go Where?



Wait for it...

Member Rated:

Look -- I know you people like to run your mouths. So which one of you chuckleheads cares to back up all the tough talk with a little chin music? Just name the time an place and I will quit my job, buy an airplane ticket, fly out to the place you specify, and wait for your punk ass to show up!

You'll know me as soon as you see me. I'll be the guy totally kicking your ass, with like five different styles of kung-fu and jujitsu all rolled into one. You'll think you just walked into a fist hurricane, fucker.

So how about it, tough guy. C'mon; time and place. My foot is halfway out the door right now. I'll fuck you up.

I was gonna send a robot back in time, but I got high.

6-23-05 3:46pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

herpes laden mug

Member Rated:

July 5th 6:00pm
7451 Pan American FRWY
Albuquerque, NM 87109

obscenity filter is off

6-23-05 3:54pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Wait for it...

Member Rated:

I'll be there! And don't even think of not showing up, 'cause I will wait there as long as it takes. It just kills me to have to wait so long to fuck you up, but I guess I can pass the time by smashing cinderblocks with my bare fists!

I was gonna send a robot back in time, but I got high.

6-23-05 4:01pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Wait for it...

Member Rated:

Anyone else? C'mon, let's dance!

I was gonna send a robot back in time, but I got high.

6-23-05 4:26pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Level 1 Forum Troll

Member Rated:

You two should set the date for the 4th. Beating the fuck outta someone is the American way to celebrate its independence.

Think classy, you'll be classy.

6-23-05 4:30pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Wait for it...

Member Rated:

I expect the fight to look something like this:

I was gonna send a robot back in time, but I got high.

6-23-05 4:55pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

matclarke, you may want to be prepaired:

How to lose a fight so the other guy goes to jail

-=- You eat one lousy foot and they call you a cannibal. What a world. -=-

6-23-05 7:17pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

100mg Thorazine, Please

Member Rated:

July 15, 10 AM local time
Kuwait City International Airport
Right outside the second-floor Starbucks.

It was such a waste of everyone’s time and money that even the Tokyo stadium’s rape robots apologized– something they were programmed specifically never to do.

6-23-05 10:16pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

weak stream

Member Rated:

i'll woop all your asses using only line breaks and horizontal rules!

what if nigger meant kite

6-23-05 10:22pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

weak stream

Member Rated:


what if nigger meant kite

6-23-05 10:23pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

weak stream

Member Rated:

and thats just the hard bag. wait till we actually tussle.

what if nigger meant kite

6-23-05 10:23pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Wait for it...

Member Rated:

July 15, 10 AM local time
Kuwait City International Airport
Right outside the second-floor Starbucks.
I'll be there, whether or not Mat shows up for his beatdown. Now a flight to Kuwait is gonna cost me, plus I have to go through all the hassle of getting a passport on short notice. If I can't afford the ticket home I'll probably end up working in a strange land where I don't know the language, shoveling camel dung for a living year after year. So I'm counting on you to show up and make all of this worth my while!

I was gonna send a robot back in time, but I got high.

6-24-05 3:54am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

100mg Thorazine, Please

Member Rated:

If I can't make it I'll make sure a 6'3" 220 pound Marine shows up just to make sure you didn't come over here for nothing.

It was such a waste of everyone’s time and money that even the Tokyo stadium’s rape robots apologized– something they were programmed specifically never to do.

6-24-05 4:40am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

herpes laden mug

Member Rated:

I'll show up. That’s funny; weight and height mentioned are strangely familiar.

obscenity filter is off

6-24-05 6:22am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Aparently a Creep

Member Rated:

July 17
Bottom of the Tar Pits

I dumb :D

6-24-05 10:30am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:


Zaster, there's only one way to do this. You versus me, on top of the Sears Tower in Chicago in the middle of a wild thunderstorm at night. That's the only way. LET'S GET IT ON!!!

6-24-05 11:22am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

not laughing with you

Member Rated:

August 1
House of Mirrors

I'll be the one wearing your clothing and having a haircut just like yours.

peddling the funny around since 09/24/2002

6-24-05 11:55am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Wait for it...

Member Rated:

Yeah baby! Let me call Spike TV. I think we can get some air time for this one.

August 1
House of Mirrors

I'll be the one wearing your clothing and having a haircut just like yours.

Which house of mirrors? You son of a bitch -- trying to cop my threads and my bitchin' hairdo? This calls for war. Bring a tire iron 'cause I'll sure have one!

I was gonna send a robot back in time, but I got high.

6-24-05 5:06pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

weak stream

Member Rated:

Lou's Tavern
don't tell anyone (especially Lou)
i'll lay out the groundrules when you get there

what if nigger meant kite

6-24-05 5:25pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Horny Female Tentacled Kaiju from Outer Space

Member Rated:

10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time
Pisgah Middle School
The secret pool on top of "A" Building.

Bring watershoes, a ladder, and a large can of cheez whiz.

I will rate you hard, and unendingly.

6-24-05 7:59pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I bop, you bop, a-they bop.

Member Rated:

3:30PM CST, June 30th
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Western Development Museum

You get 10 points for pronouncing the province name correctly, and another 10 points if you can find it on a map without help.

Okay, Lindsay, are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over - an analyst and a therapist. The world's first analrapist.

6-24-05 10:03pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info


Member Rated:

September 8th, 2005
San Antonio, TX
The Alamo
in the basement

bring it

-=- You eat one lousy foot and they call you a cannibal. What a world. -=-

6-25-05 6:27am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Level 1 Forum Troll

Member Rated:

Pfft. Zaster just doing this so he can rack up frequent flyer miles.

Think classy, you'll be classy.

6-25-05 6:43am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Wait for it...

Member Rated:

My dance card is getting pretty full here. That's OK though. I'm so totally going to kick your asses that it's like I've already kicked them. Seriously; check your mirror for bruises.

My battle with Mandingo didn't go well, but only because I found his "Greco-Roman wrestling only" stipulation very limiting. The exlusively male, leather-clad bar patrons all rooting him on were very distracting as well.

I was gonna send a robot back in time, but I got high.

6-25-05 7:52pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:

Here we go Zaster, I got the official date set:

July 13th - 2:00 AM
Chicago, IL
Rooftop of the Sears Tower
It will be rainy, windy, and stormy. We will fight with swords and you MUST talk in an evil british accent.

6-25-05 8:24pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » Fights Go Here » Fights Go Where?

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