When I first came to SC I was so intimidated. But after a few rounds of pitch and catch, I really felt broken in. I was such a good catcher! I even received a merit badge. Seriously, your mothers a whore.
Any who, there is a constant cycle that you have to come to terms with. First, you must pimp yourself out for any recognition or consideration. Initially you will get beat down like the red headed stepchild that my friend is. The best that you can expect? Meh.
Second? The few good strips that you have slowly get rated. SLOWLY mind you. Often times the GODS that be find it beneath them to rate any newbie. Now you’re moving up!
Got three votes and your on the pending list, drinks for everyone! You're a fat cat. Finally, you get that fourth vote that ushers you up to the highest echelon. Sweet Jesus the air smells great! Life is good. Tell your friends how funny and talented you are. Write home to grandma. Bask in the glory that will be swiftly ripped out of your heart. Because as soon as it’s known that a strip is rated a 9 or 10, that same strip will be promptly kicked in the junk and dropped like a herpes laden mug.
But don't mind me, I have yet to pass the third step in the Tony Robbins pyramid of success.
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