I think that character interaction is huge part of RPGs period, otherwise, why would the FF series put so much effort into their graphics uses in the numerous mini movies throughout the game (much less the two movies they released based on the game)?
Its just that, being an inexperienced player and therefore following the directions that the guy who introduced me to the RPG world (I suppose in these instances, you would have referred to him as the game master), I had no idea exactly what was going on. It was like he was telling me a really fun story, then asking me to roll a 20d, as you call it, randomly before proceeding with the story. Also take into account I was 12 or so when I was participating in one of these games, so I pretty much had no idea what was going on at any given time anyway.
I'm open to being taught how to properly play these games now, but it all seems a little too complex for me. That's why I love yahtzee. There's nothing complex about yahtzee.
Mediocrity at its most average.