This is the last palindromic year we'll see in this lifetime, unless they legalize the manufacture of clones for the purpose of harvesting organs, but that's another topic involving a movie by the name of "Clonus" starring Peter Graves.
Yes, 1991 brought us Desert Storm just as 2002 brings us the continuation of Infinite Justice, both of which occurred during an economic recession under a President named George Bush. Is there some sort of Lincoln/Kennedy connection going on here? ... But I digress.
The theme for this contest is the palindrome. I'll try not to make the rules too complicated.
1) The entry, consisting of one or more comic strips, must contain at least one palindrome.
2) The palindrome can be either verbal or visual.
Here is an example of a verbal palindrome which is darned funny, even though it didn't make sense (which was the point of the joke):(Gnionarajanama)
3) The visual palindrome strips, as you may have guessed, must look the same forwards and backwards, with both backgrounds and characters. And no, the backgrounds you use do not have to be mirror images of themselves.
4) Extra points for including both verbal and visual palindromes.
5) Rule benders are allowed, based on their contribution to the humor of the entry.
6) Entries must be posted by Friday, 12:21 AM, GMT.
Simple enough? All right, then, get to it!
If there are any questions, I'll do my best to answer them as quickly as possible.
"There's no point in beating a dead horse ... except, of course, for the pure joy of it." - A. Whitney Brown