Comic Cup VIII - Sign up here!
I'm afraid I'm leaving game shows to one side for this one. This tournament will be a Comic Cup/Serial Comic hybrid.
At the beginning of every round, I'll write the first comic of a serial. Players then compete in one-on-one matches to write further installments of the serial. There will then be a vote on which comic was better, and the job of the next competing pair will be to write the follow-up to that winning comic. The last pair in the round will have the task of concluding the story.
So round one should result in a nine-part serial comic (my intro plus the eight winning entries), with rounds two, three and four yielding five-, three- and two-part serials respectively.
Oh, yeah. The comics will also have to comply with one rule in round one, and two rules in all later rounds. The rules in round one will be provided by yours pedantically; ousted contestants will provide the rules for future rounds.
If you'd like to take part in this Comic Cup, send me a rule at This is to ensure that no fly-by-nights sign up and then disappear without contributing a rule. You'd better state your intention to take part in this thread, too, so other entrants see who they're up against.