Well, here I am. I'm still a little stunned that I actually won. I guess maybe I am funny, after all. At least to descolada. And here's the new contest, with some rules. I've browsed back a few to get an idea of what kind of rules are often in place, and, well, here we go...
1) I want every letter in the alphabet in the strip, somewhere. The title does NOT count, but narration does.
1a) If the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog, he'd better have a *really* funny reason for doing it.
2) I like props. So use a "character" from the prop section, even if it's just one of height props.
3) To avoid stifiling the creative geniuses that abound on this board, I'm leaving the topic wide open. Yes, even inside jokes; but be warned, since I haven't been around that long, I'm not likely to find inside jokes as funny. Donkey Sodomy, however, is just about always funny.
3a) No, your comic doesn't have to be about Donkey Sodomy to win.
Okay, that's about it. It's pretty wide open, so no excuses!
I'll close the contest 7pm Thursday, Central Daylight time, as that is what time I'll leave work and drive on home. I'll announce a winner a little later that night.