Thank you, thank you.
I don't think ObiJo (and by extension, his mom) is any *more* deserving of ridicule than most others in here... but since the joke was just lying there...
You're taking praise from gabe? gabe, the guy who has an entire thread dedicated to how geeky he is, the largest thread on this board? gabe, the guy I once heard use the comeback, "Get off my mom cuz I just got off yours"? gabe, the guy who set up an email address for his dog? gabe, the guy who made a bar graph to show rates of comics being made? gabe, the guy who made a bar graph depicting he-manliness? gabe, the guy who made multiple bar graphs?
You played Dungeons and Dragons as a kid, didn't you?
Actually, yeah... and I still RP. In fact, I'm going to be in an Amber campaign as soon as the GM gets his act together.
I have a geek fetish. I mean, only *cool* geeky stuff like you just listed. Not like people spewing off memorized SKU numbers for computer components geeky... but fun geeky.
I have my geek code on my website. I *think* it's up to date.
I am a delicate fucking flower.