In honor of the late Douglas Adams, this contest is about combining science fiction and humor. No, I don't want you to regurgitate lines and characters from Adams' novels. I want you to be original in making some sort of commentary about humans, aliens, robots, computers, space travel, or physics. I know that this is the subject of much of our comics, so I will make some rules to make it a bit tougher.
1. Use "robot1-1" and/or "robot1-2" from the "explodingdog" series at least once. Any other characters can be used in addition to robot1.
2. Use any of (and only) the following backgrounds: "spaceship1," "moonscape," and "planet." No other backgrounds are permitted.
3. Somewhere in the dialog (or in a thought bubble) of your comic, include the number "42."
4. No cornholing, donkey sodomy, or alien anal-probing. (Use of sodomy that does not include the Tobor [redrobot], wigudonkey, or grey characters is acceptable, though.)
This contest will end Thursday, July 5, at 10pm EDT.
"And Wirthling isn't worth the paper he isn't printed on."