Nice pick-up on the pace, folks. We're halfway through Round 3. Since we're on the new page, here once again is what's left in the round:[/b]
[list][*]attitudechicka up to date
[*]BigEvilDan: Spankling (forumusers) vs. Owl (submitted)
[*]boinky33: up to date
[*]crabby: Zoe (wigu) vs. Penguin (kofightclub)
[*]Drexle: Witch (holiday) vs. Redrobot (dieselsweeties)
[*]evild: up to date
[*]fuzzyman: Alien 1/2 (kaddar) vs. Neovid (forumusers)
[*]habnem: up to date
[*]ivytheplant: Descolada (forumusers) vs. Jesus (threereasons)
[*]jes_lawson: up to date
[*]KajunFirefly: Gabebillings (forumusers) vs. Redfish (dexx)
[*]kramer_vs_kramer: Dexx (forumusers) vs. Boozer (wigu)
[*]MikeyG: up to date
[*]mmyers: up to date
[*]TheGovernor: Drexle (forumusers) vs. Feetforears (threereasons)
[*]umfumdisi: up to date[/list]
Complete brackets up to this point are here