Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Stripcreator » Fights Go Here » Hmm... what's a guy gotta do...



Comic Overlord

Member Rated:

I got an email from luminous, after I posted countess's photo from her blog. So for those of you asking where is the neckbulge;

Here is the email;

That isn't Countess' pic - she put up her good kind-hearted aunt's pic.

You know... there's a reason why most of the user community and people in general hate you.

And it ain't a "good reason".
That will go by you - again.
From luminous_luciano :: 01-30-06 05:20am ( reply :: delete )


Now granted, Luminous (he has added a "TM" trademark to it on his blog) claimed Countess was his 'lady' and Countess is 35 and lives in Arkansas, while Luminous apparently lives in some other country (I can't remember which, but at some point I seem to recall that claim that he was from Lithuania or some place).

He is a "Dream Weaver" who works in publishing according to his blog, so I would put his age at somewhere around 17. Publishing comic strips and weaving his own dreams.

Granted, this is really not that interesting, but just for giggles if you want to see Countess's myspace;

The photograph that he claims is 'her poor old aunt' that Countess uses as her primary photograph is clearly displayed without any disclaimer.

also includes this photo of what must be her poor old aunt;

and again, nothing stating that is not her. Those are the only pics of Countess.

So the real question is, would you do her, or not?

1-31-06 6:18am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

My tongue's your thong...

Member Rated:

I'd have to see some tits.

Don't like it? Eat me.

1-31-06 7:20am (new)
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Stripcreator Regular

Member Rated:

I'd have to see her feet

"Dirty feet, stinky meat"

Orrrr...maybe that's just me?!

1-31-06 9:04am (new)
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Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

Lithuania... that's a good one...
The Dark Knight Detective has not to fear for his job security I see... not that I'm a fan...

Three words for you: planes, trains and automobiles.
Of course, you've never traveled anywhere, right?
Post-9/11 especially...

Don't you see the resemblance between aunt and niece?
And the mom and the sis too - they are all unique and similar - that's the way families are, FYI. Oh - right... you have no family...

You're developing a crush, Kae - shake it off cause I don't swing that way! *LOL*
I am no different than anybody else - I hate you too!

BTW - Ivy didn't "happen" - Ivy and I agreed in PMs (that stands for PRIVATE MESSAGES, again FYI...) that retaliating here is childish and a waste of time.
Why don't you all go back to posting pics... this one is the most appropriate for this place...


1-31-06 12:52pm (new)
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Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

Since no one respects privacy...

"Personally, I don't believe in retaliation. Retaliating during a nuclear war only serves to wipe everybody out. Retaliating in an internet flame war is like dousing a magnesium fire with water. Things just blow up, nothing is resolved, and people end up banned. That's what happened between CHUBBY and boinky33. As amusing as it was at first, we all got sick of the constant back and forth retaliation.

But anyway, I'm sorry to see it go to this point.
From ivytheplant :: 01-25-06 08:30pm"


1-31-06 12:55pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

My tongue's your thong...

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Most would agree.

Don't like it? Eat me.

1-31-06 1:11pm (new)
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Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:

I love that movie

Oh, and fuck you luminous

1-31-06 1:14pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

My tongue's your thong...

Member Rated:

Then again, pwning is no mere retaliation...

Don't like it? Eat me.

1-31-06 1:23pm (new)
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Aparently a Creep

Member Rated:

This all started when i was in cyberspace. Could someone let me know what is going on here?

I dumb :D

1-31-06 1:49pm (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

This Luminous guy seems to want to know WHATS IT TAKE TO GET TO #1???

1-31-06 1:52pm (new)
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and the Goblet of Mountain Dew.

Member Rated:

This Luminous guy seems to want to know WHATS IT TAKE TO GET TO #1???

Originality, execution, and showmanship. And sweet polyester bell-bottoms.

I has a flavor!

1-31-06 2:14pm (new)
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Aparently a Creep

Member Rated:

Oh, I thought from all the negative comments he had asked seombody to tell their mom to pick up her stained underwear from his bedroom.

I dumb :D

1-31-06 3:59pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

My tongue's your thong...

Member Rated:

Worse, he made assumptions, called folks names and implied things all using big words in a way to show how intellectually superior he supposes he is by utilizing overly circuitous & enormous terms, when he could have just saved the trouble of showing how much of a high brow douche he considers himself by using regular, every day words.

He rather dashed my hopes with those last posts I must say.

I'd been hoping he was out nabbing costumed criminals with his freakish quill-neck.

Quill-neck, awaaaaaay!!!

Don't like it? Eat me.

1-31-06 4:17pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Aparently a Creep

Member Rated:

Soon this will become an antidisestablishmentarianism!


I dumb :D

1-31-06 4:31pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

My tongue's your thong...

Member Rated:

Oh My God What The Fuck Bring Back Quill-neck!


Don't like it? Eat me.

1-31-06 4:33pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Aparently a Creep

Member Rated:


I dumb :D

1-31-06 4:38pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

My tongue's your thong...

Member Rated:

That's not the linking I'd expect from the flip.

I've been caught offguard.

Kudos you lovable little flip.


Don't like it? Eat me.

1-31-06 4:50pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Aparently a Creep

Member Rated:

OH NOES!!! I suprised!!

*Ok here is a typical flip link...btw NSFW AT ALL, NO UNDER 18s ETC ETC!!!! THIS IS TEH WORST LINK IN TEH WORLD!!


*i got in trouble for posting bad links and don't want to be banned

I dumb :D

1-31-06 5:10pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Level 1 Forum Troll

Member Rated:

According to his MySpace profile, he's 36 and a Rush fan.

So Luminous, what's your favorite Rush album?

Think classy, you'll be classy.

1-31-06 5:24pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

is a wonderful person

Member Rated:

Here's the deal:

You come here and ask for criticism.

We give it to you.

You whine.

We make you want to leave.

Thats the way things work around here.

possible savior probable SEX MACHINE

1-31-06 5:36pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

crazy knife lady

Member Rated:

1-31-06 9:03pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:

That picture says it all. By the way, since luminous is so much better than me, I'm going to post a couple PMs he sent to me. It is only fair after all, since he posted mine.

Hmm... okay...

I don't have time to read you right now... I will.

Please take into consideration though that MOST of what you quoted from me was a retaliation to something venomous sent my way.

Countess emulating me... it is the sincerest form of flattery. She did tell me she was doing them as I do - there is no put down there.
I adore Countess.

I can't believe this has gone on and on like this... and one after the other too... what I am supposed to do? Be complimentary when faced with a barrage of insults?

I retaliated - I am only human.

If you can tell someone higher up to pull the plug on the thread - that would be nice.

I could live with your comment - Frank's is childish to the utmost.

Now you will probably post this for me...

Thanks for being more mature than the others.
God Bless
From luminous_luciano :: 01-25-06 08:16pm ( reply :: delete )

My favorite part is where he thanked me for "being more mature than the others." Taken into context, I'm still one of the regular unwashed savages, but I've been converted to Christianity so while there is a chance of saving my soul, I can still be sold into slavery.

Oh darn. Whatever shall I do. I wanted to be all pretentious and snobby.

You're not going to express that you are sorry to see it get to this point on the thread itself... are you?
Thanks for expressing it to me via PM.

Unlike everybody else around here, I respect the privacy of a private message.

Note that I also respected every stripcreator in the sense that I named no names. And I didn't get into name-calling until I was in a retaliatory, self-defense mode. At first, I was only denouncing foulness of language and a style of humor that is below what every TRUE AND would-be PROFESSIONAL strip cartoonist would do... When the aim seems to be foul-mouthed for the sake of it - it is not funny. It is not entertaining and much less educative in any way, shape or form. I realize that many "stripcreators" here are just using this as an outlet to vent and let loose. Better here than on the street. However, if you are neither like these nor one of my attackers, you are not on my mind when I criticize the poor taste on display in many accounts here.

Poor spellers have PhDs - absolutely.
But they do not constantly make use of foul language.
That is what I criticized - and to see them get read and garner accolades while I appeared not to be read... still boggles the mind.

I don't know who CHUBBY is... were his stripcreations all deleted when he was banned?

Hey - if I get all of mine deleted... it's nothing. My life appears to be up in the air. I sure care more about that than any stripcreations of mine.
From luminous_luciano :: 01-26-06 12:34am ( reply :: delete )

Jim Davis doesn't use profanity. The creators of Penny Arcade do. So that means Penny Arcade isn't a TRUE and PROFESSIONAL comic strip? I hope someone tells them soon. Especially since by luminous's logic, Garfield is funnier than Penny Arcade. Which I would have agreed with when I was 5.

That was my favorite part from that PM until his recent post. Now my favorite part of this PM is:

"Unlike everybody else around here, I respect the privacy of a private message."

I PM'd him because I was sorry to see it turn into another BLT thread (only more cunty). I was also hoping he'd see reason. I was very wrong. So, anything that I said to him in the way of encouragement is pretty much null and void since he's decided to just be a cunt.

Luminous, you, unsir, are a hypocrite. And you are no better than the rest of us. In fact, at this point I certainly would prefer to read SVKomix's comics over yours. At least he wasn't pretending he wasn't a cunt.

I need to say "cunt" a few more times to cement my place as a vulgar bitch. Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt.

Okay, time to go to class. I have a paper to turn in. And it's full of proper grammar. I didn't even say "nucular" or "foilage."

2-01-06 10:35am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Obsessive Comic Disorder

Member Rated:

PS. This thread is

2-01-06 10:38am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

My tongue's your thong...

Member Rated:

And not in the fun way!!!

Don't like it? Eat me.

2-01-06 10:42am (new)
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is never bored.

Member Rated:

I feel the need to jump on a bandwagon now.

I <3 you Ivy.

Mediocrity at its most average.

2-01-06 11:41am (new)
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Stripcreator » Fights Go Here » Hmm... what's a guy gotta do...

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