Yeah, as Hitchens used to point out. Orwell did, of course, realise that the Soviet Union was internally worse than the US - and I'm sure he'd be aware that Islamic rule is even worse than that.
Most sensible people can see George Galloway for what he is. In fact, I'm sure Blair and Brown only tolerate his presence in the Labour Party because he makes the anti-war lobby look ridiculous. Did you see when John Malkovich said that George Galloway is one of two people he'd most like to kill? He didn't give a reason, sadly.
Amis's book looks like a bit of a waste of paper to me. Has it only just occured to him that Stalin and Lenin were bad? Amis was never politically aware in the time of Stalin, so I don't see what particular authority on the subject he should have now.
I read that he had quite a lot of run-ins with the audience in that thing, who were (predictably enough) not on his side. So that sounds quite good. I still think he's a bit of a nit, though - just take a look at his book on Clinton to see what I mean. His argument in relation to the current villain, as far as I can see, is "Saddam is terrible, so we should bomb Iraq". His insistence that Bush wants to do this to protect his people from terrorism is awfully silly, too.
Meaning, what, ideology is rubbish, so let's just hope everything will turn out okay in the end by itself? Anyway, I don't think you are all that conservative in relation to the current climate. Didn't you come out mildly libertarian on the Political Compass thing? (not that libertarians=liberals, of course...)
They haven't been tried, of course - but then neither has capitalism (at least, not in our lifetimes) - which I suppose just means that you just can't govern by ideology. Any government will always work for the good of those who control it. End of story.
Any particular reason you made a new account just to post one gibberish comic?