Do you know what you're saying?
Can you possibly be serious?
What you're saying is that we as Americans have the right to barge in and take what we need right now, for the short-term benefit of our economy.
Never mind how many people get murdered in the process.
Never mind how maany things get blown up and how much more fucked up the economy gets from it in the long run.
No matter how much of the world's finite supply of oil is destroyed due to it.
But it doesn't matter how many people we kill because they're furrners, they're A-rabs and other subhumans. They don't count.
It doesn't matter what we do because we need the oil now to fill up your ultra-obese monster SUV to go down the street, leaving a trail of smog between here and the supermarket.
It doesn't matter what that does for the future because once you're dead and gone, you don't give a rat's ass where this planet goes.
Because you are a self-centered asshole who doesn't give a shit about anything outside of eyeshot and more than a week away.
There may be legitimate reasons to fight Iraq, but the one you provided is certainly not among them. It is shallow, ethnocentric, and unjustifiable by any rational line of reasoning. You can't even think of people who happened to be born on other patches of land as human or worth anything. Pathetic.
Is that really what you're saying?