Excellent job, everyone. I'd almost give it to desc just because the chick he found for his comic is so hot. But not quite. So he can suck it. Or her. :)
You can mock me all you want but when you make fun of my dog you're crossing the line. Only I make fun of my dog. Thus crabby can burn in hell.
Evil_d's was great, especially the Tobor in desc's clothes at the end.
Wirthling gets an ice cream cone for the animated donkey humping gif.
I get two ice cream cones for my Red Meat ripoff featuring wirthling's head as the floating skull.
Spankling's Family Circus cartoon made me almost crap my pants.
Kaufman gets mocked for his inability to use a graphics program. I don't know why he didn't just track down that hooligan from Canton. He can't be too busy, being out of school and all.
Boorite's Dagwood comic made me giggle, and his 'Interview' comic gets the award for the best looking comic. I like the back of the head view of the desk. And the front view of the desc.
But the winner has to be Spankling's Family Circus comic, since it made me laugh the hardest.
100 pounds of shit in a 25 pound sack.