Stripcreator » General Discussion » We Got Movies!
kaufman Director of Cats
Member Rated:
Two birds with one stone!
[Click to view comic: 'The Full Monty Python and the Holy Grail']
How did we forget this one?
[Click to view comic: 'Bill & Ted in three panels']
Graehe Mindless Drone
[Click to view comic: 'Dune, in 30 seconds...']
It was a little difficult with a character limit on the dialog...
---Graehe ( | Graehe's Comics | Go to hell
evil_d Riding through your town with his head on fire
[Click to view comic: 'Gone in Sixty Seconds in three panels']
Don't think of it as me ruining the ending for you, think of it as me saving you from wasting two precious hours of your life.
---The what mentioned above is total fiction. Please don't take it seriously!
wirthling supercalifragilisticexpialadosucks
[Click to view comic: 'Battlefield Earth in 3 panels...']
---"And Wirthling isn't worth the paper he isn't printed on."
JrnymnNate I fling the shoddy polo stick
I can do all that.
[ Posted comic does not exist ]
Take that you complicated silly mindbending movie!
And Rocky
Matchy Stripcreator Newbie
[Click to view comic: '"What dreams may come" in three parts']
---Signatures suck
ObiJo Eamus Catuli
I just saw the movie for the first time Tuesday. Afterwards I wasn't sure whether to drink milk or rape my cat.
[Click to view comic: 'Frankenstein in 3 panels']
---I ate a hooker half a bottle of knife.
Joft is to silly to post this here so I'll do it for him.
[Click to view comic: 'Lawrence of Arabia on obesity']
[Click to view comic: 'Yellow Submarine in 3 Panels']
If you haven't suffered through this one, here's what you missed.
[Click to view comic: 'Glen or Glenda: The Graphic Novel']
apejuice Member - Tobor Fan Club
[Click to view comic: 'lock, stock and two smoking barrels in three frames.']
---I LIVE!
DexX What the Cat Dragged In
Pull de strings! Pull de strings! *stock footage* I hope you are not suggesting this film is anything other than a classic. *stern look*
---This signature has performed an illegal operation and has been shut down.
it's a classic pile of shite. though i suspect you are taking the piss, dexx!
andydougan Film critic subordinaire
I made this the other night while inebriated. I hadn't seen Kaufman's strip first, honest!
[Click to view comic: 'Ken and Iain's Bogus Journey']
That's Ken Clarke and Iain Duncan Smith, Conservative Party leadership election fans.
[Click to view comic: 'Titanic in 3 panels...']
Nope, no piss being taken. I love the film, one of my all-time favourites.
ladyjdotnet Snitcreator
[Click to view comic: 'No, baby, no!']
---I am a delicate fucking flower.
I did a Titanic here too, shortly after I arrived, although it was more of a parody that a 3-panel rehash:
[Click to view comic: 'If TITANIC were written by a Jewish mother']
joft Stripcreator Newbie
[Click to view comic: 'Lawrence of New Jersey']
---- joft
kaufman whats wrong with you??? you should do this- [Click to view comic: '2001: A Race Odyssey'] now that was funny
I just watched "Memento." Don't worry about me spoiling the ending. I have no idea what the hell happened.
You watched the part after all the ending credits rolled right?
You mean the part where Leonard gets "Fact: ObiJo is a colossal geek" tattooed on his ass?
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