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| So, Memphis, now that you've been forced into one last wild night of grand theft auto on account of what a fuck-up I am, what are we going to do? | |
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| We're gettin' the band back together. 'Specially that one chick. I don't know if she can steal any cars, but she's hot, and this film needs a lot of sex appeal to compensate for its crappy script. | |
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| I must steal 50 cars in one night, and one just *has* to be a special one I call Eleanor. She's my "unicorn", because every time I try to steal her, something goes wrong. | |
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| And I must put your white ass in jail. I'm pissed 'cause I couldn't catch you before you retired, so you might say you're *my* unicorn. Surely one of us will be victorious, and the other disappointed. | |
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| Well, who could have anticipated that this would all have an ambiguous, feelgood ending? You stole 50 cars and did a ton of property damage, but I'll let you go because you saved my life. I think. | |
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| Thanks, sport. Now I'm off to a party where I'll get the girl and the car I've always wanted, and we'll celebrate something, I'm not sure what. Probably the end of this movie. | |
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