When your vacation is to a place where you might be able to get roof repair supplies that you can't find in your neighborhood, or where you might be able to move to from your leaky house, that vacation could very well be a darn good investment.
Thank you for justifying the space program so well with your analogy.
Point made, and I understand the reasoning. Again, I stand by the assertion that we need to come together here before we can explore outer space. What's the use of moving to that new place, out of your old neighborhood, if you're just going to turn the place into a shithole like the one you live in? My analogy can only justify the space program if you subscribe to the slash-and-burn mentality.
And mAAk, don't spoil your momentary lucidity by being an obstinate fuckface.
The giant three-phallused phallus of Uzbekistan will one day squirt the cosmic jizz of revenge all over Canada.