Stripcreator » Fights Go Here » You People Suck
andydougan Film critic subordinaire
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Mikey's maw's so fat, when she sits around the sofa, people go "She's really fat!"
Zaster Wait for it...
---I was gonna send a robot back in time, but I got high.
MikeyG Shoots the shit and often misses
Your maw is so fat that people have to take a bus just to get out of her way.
---The giant three-phallused phallus of Uzbekistan will one day squirt the cosmic jizz of revenge all over Canada.
boinky33 I'm with stupid ^
Your maw is so fat that it takes her a month to turn the other cheek.
Last time somebody told yer maw to haul ass, she had to make two trips.
Nah! Burnz0r'd.
boorite crazy knife lady
Your maw is so fat, she features bindable APIs for using teraspace.
---What others say about boorite!
Rabid_Weasle Professional style cramper
When your maw eats food, people wish she wouldn't eat so much damn food.
Inflatable_Man Heart stopper. Hip hopper. Pill popper.
Your maw is sooooo fat, when the weatherman tells her it's gonna be chilly outside, she brings a spoon!
---Destroying my reputation one post at a time.
thochaos The Host of Chaos
Your mother is so fat that it's beginning to affect her health.
---"If you can't keep it in your pants, keep it in your family"
Your mother is so fat that it affects her self-esteem.
JESUSSANDWICH is a wonderful person
areallystupid guy has sex with asian boys.
---possible savior probable SEX MACHINE
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