Because I can post them there if you want to read them. I think you confuse the two of creating for fun, and gaining approval for approval's sake. Which too many people are unable to differentiate.
I have trouble seeing a black man like Ving Raimes wanting to kick Hitlers ass as divine punishment as racist. I mean, what non-Cacausian (or even Cacausians) would enjoy to be the person responsible for his hell? I mean, I would! The "Tan Cyclone" was Jesse Owen's personal nick, and I'm glad he kicked some Nazi ass.
Mary Mapes did get demoted to something ridiculous by CBS, because she deserved it. James "The Ragin' Cajun" Carville is a nick that he loves to have! Bill O'Reilly is a mick, if you don't like, so what? You can call me wetback all you want and I don't care. Silly PC white people. And I bet people would cheer to see them both tazered for just being so damned annoying.
I do have a bias against rich people, not for their ethnicity, but for them being rich. On Forbes Magazine, alot more billionaires climbed the ladder higher, which I had correctly list those individuals from those nations. Regardless, I think most of them have the furnace burning hotter for them in hell. Why? Because I have an irrational hatred against the rich.
Can't find racism in the protestors that nearly attack Air Force Recruitment in SF. And I really wish we could use that tactic. I mean their deaths would mean so much to everyone. Military happy that the people that they protect who happen to hate them are dead. Iraqi's are happy that ignorant protestors are dead. And even the terrorists, because they don't care who the kill, even protestors that hate liberty and freedom.
And if you got to read my anti-Sen. Byrd comment, he's just a joke and Satan will make sure his punishment is as painful as possible. As for most of the world's politicians to. Oh yeah, I didn't post my Dan Rather hate, which I had forgot. Either way, look who's tabloid now baby!
Either way, I think Ving Raimes will have a place to punish all those who are deserving because nothing worse than a big black man full of rage who can hurt as many evil, racist white people like Hitler and Byrd as possible.
And if you're offended, than get off your high horse and do a bit of research before you cry. Nothing worse than whiners who willfully remain ignorant because its easier than learning facts and history. Its not racism, you're just ignorant!
Now that I have finished rambling, I shall watch more pointless television.
--S. Dummie
Greatest Zombie Komic in the Universe