I never ONCE referred to a glass ceiling, buddy. So who's generalizing now? Moreover, I *began* to explain my experience, and you jumped down my throat. You *assumed* I was going to liken your hair to my piercings, while I was not. I was talking about the all-black clothing, and how I used to wear all black clothing to work and it left a bad impression on people in a position to promote me. I didn't even get to the point where I was going to say that there are alternatives to giving up your "look". You and whoever was also in the channel (I think it was evil_d) automatically decided what I was going to say because I have piercings.
There's a fairly big chip on your shoulder. I didn't feel like beating my head against it. In fact, I *asked* if you wanted my advice, then you said no, so I said "okay" and left it at that. Then you told me you knew what I was going to say, and were incorrect. I told you that it was not what I was going to say and started to share what I WAS going to say. Then you jumped on me and started spouting your equality bullcrap. You were looking for a fight. I rcognized it, and THEN I told you that you were being juvenile and decided to leave rather than fight with you while I wasn't feeling up to fighting.
I have to go now, because I have to take a shower, put on clothing that a professional workplace finds acceptable, and earn well over minimum wage. I'm not going to remove my piercings, because my employer does not require it. At several points during the day, people who have been my age before in their lives are going to say things to me on a variety of subjects, based on their experiences. I'm going to listen, absorb, and discard what I do not need without being rude and ungrateful.
The hair bullshit is just that, by the way - bullshit. In fact, my boss has said many times that short hair looks more professional on women. Ever since I got my hair cut on Tuesday, she's been raving about it.
I am a delicate fucking flower.