While I am normally a reasonable man. I am shitfaced yet again. So I am going to do something that I would not normally do, when sober. And that is. Put periods where commas should be...
Oh and something else.
Comment on all this stuff.
The word nigger has a certain loaded quality. I'm thinking that it's probably, at least in the USA, one of the most loaded words that you can use.
There are a shitload of racial slurs. I am Italian by ancestry, but I was born here. I've been called a wop. A guinea (pronounced ginny). And a wetback as well. Which confused me, cause I thought wetback was a mexican slur.
There is nothing worse than a lazy racist.
Nigger is a strong word. And there is a big discussion about who can "use" it. I've seen hispanics, pakistanis and asians use it in the "brother" way. As well I've seen "whites" use it. Theses "whites" are Irish, Italian, Hispanic and Albanian.
Well, uh, they would consider themselves white...
OTOH, I've heard Jamaicans, Hatians and Africans call each other nigger in the "not my brother way" as well.
When it was meant as a "brother" thing between friends, there was never any problem. Regardless of the race of the speaker. When it was used as the "fuck you" word, regardless of the race of the speaker, it was usually the beginning of a fight.
If it was used, and here is the thing, by a recent "noob" in a group of friends that used it, they were usually slapped down. "You ain't got the right to use that word, nigger."
The usage of the word is probably the most confusing thing that a non-black can experience. Even the "whitest" black guy can use it. For everyone else, there seems to be a threshold at which you are allowed to use it.
I have friends that allow me to use it, occasionally, but not every day. If I'm drunk, and they are, it's allowed all the time.
The black girlfriends that I have been with never liked it. But then, they never used it on me either.
The whole "nigga" "nigger" thing is bullshit. It's just a matter of pronunciation. I've heard white racists use both, I've heard blacks use both. The rest is just an excuse.
Now, as far as the use of either "nigga" or "nigger" in a comic on this website. There a a couple of issues.
Brad has the right to delete any comics that he finds offensive. There is no free speech here. He is god.
So we have to ask, is mandingo using the word in a racist way? Is he just being a troll? Does he write the strips he does to promote racisim?
What race is he? Or she for that matter? How much can you tell from someone's comics?
For all that we know, mandingo is a gay, black female who is writing her PhD on internet assholes.
Or is that shank?
As far as I know, freedom of speech is alive and well on stripcreator.
I apologize if I have offended anyone by inclusion or exclusion from the previous text. If I forgot to capitalize or capitalized your race, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for living on your land if you're a Native American. I am sorry for being Italian if you are Albanian. I'm sorry... aw fuck it.
You can all suck my dick.
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