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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » what if nigger meant kite



weak stream

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you see what i did is replace every instance of water with mangravy

what if nigger meant kite

7-02-05 11:09am (new)
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Aparently a Creep

Member Rated:

All genius

I dumb :D

7-02-05 11:43am (new)
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Member Rated:

-KajunFirefly" (from Mandingo's user page)

Shuup, Kajun. Most of the best comics on here are gimmicky. Alphabet Soup, most of Noonie's photoshopped comics, etc.

7-02-05 5:04pm (new)
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weak stream

Member Rated:

possums has my back against the naacp and haitian butterflies

what if nigger meant kite

7-02-05 6:06pm (new)
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100mg Thorazine, Please

Member Rated:

If mandingo throws down for possums, so do I. Those Haitian butterflies are contantly running through my yard and aggravating my guard-geezer.

It was such a waste of everyone’s time and money that even the Tokyo stadium’s rape robots apologized– something they were programmed specifically never to do.

7-03-05 10:41am (new)
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Heart stopper. Hip hopper. Pill popper.

Member Rated:

I didn't bother to look at the rest of your strips, but the nigger series is the kind of subversive brilliance I would expect on the Chapelle Show.

Destroying my reputation one post at a time.

7-03-05 3:44pm (new)
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weak stream

Member Rated:

you, possums and biped are my boys. (cabana) im trying to recruit everyone else who posted good things in this thread so we can form an army to battle haitan butterflies. (andydougan has already agreed to run the mess tent)

heres our battle flag:

what if Kajun Firefly meant "a little dick" by mandingo
hey, jen. how was the bar scene last night?
it started off good. i got drunk enough to go home with some no name, no face guy. but when we got back to his place and got into bed i sobered up real quick when i looked over to see Kajun Firefly
that hapened to me and i couldnt stop pointing and laughing at seeing Kajun Firefly! it happens to alot of girls i bet. some are so drunk they probably climb on anyway, despite it being Kajun Firefly!
god help me i did. i saw Kajun Firefly and i realized I was probably the only chance this pathetic creature would ever have at getting some pussy. it called to mind those sad puppy posters and i caved
you're the first to ever admit it! what was it like? as comical as i'm thinking?
let's just say if i'm ever facing Kajun Firefly again and i'm considering a pity fuck, i'll satisfy the urge by going home, putting a marble in my back pocket, and sitting down a couple of times

chapelles the man. he's fucking hillarious and doesnt pull punches. i figure if he can do it on national tv i can dam sure do it online and not apologize for it. the sad part is that he probably wouldnt like my sense of humor even though its similar to his, just because if he did the black comunity would call him an uncle tom

and if you like these you'll probbly like my a comic for series

what if nigger meant kite

7-03-05 7:23pm (new)
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weak stream

Member Rated:


what if nigger meant termite by mandingo
well ma'am, i'm afraid it's bad news. your house is crawling with niggers. around every corner, there's a nigger lurking
that can't be! i just sprayed for niggers!
oh it's niggers, ma'am. your oak panelling is pulling from the wall. as soon as i see long thick wood being pulled out, i know it's a nigger. then i just close my eyes and pray there's only one a them
i don't believe it. OK, sure the house was full of niggers when we first spotted it, but i had my husband exterminate them all so we could move in
niggers aren't as easy to kill as you might think. i've poisoned niggers, gassed niggers, burnt niggers, one time when i was drunk i even cut off a nigger's legs and watched it flop around on the rug
what if dad knows i've been living with niggers! mom wouldn't mind. in college, niggers found their way into her room every night. but dad was dating her at the time and he's hated niggers ever since!

what if nigger meant kite

7-15-05 3:22am (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

Nothing clever about repalcing one word with another. These suck.

I have a sense of humor, but I would only mind this kind of thing if it were tasteful or clever in some way.

Be funny next time you use a word that was used to hold people down for hundreds of years in cruel slavery and long lasting discrimination that has hurt a race even to this day.

7-18-05 4:39pm (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

And is this guy mandingo gay or something? Why is he worry about gay people and blacks. They don't worry about him. What, a black guy steal your girl?

7-18-05 4:42pm (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

Your kidding right? Nigga is not the same word as nigger and even if it was, the years of slavery and discrimination earn blacks the sole right to use that word.

7-18-05 4:47pm (new)
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I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

Member Rated:

Your kidding right? Nigga is not the same word as nigger and even if it was, the years of slavery and discrimination earn blacks the sole right to use that word.

Really? Last I checked, people of all colors had the right to free speech. However, the responsibility to use it wisely is more firmly placed on the shoulders of whites. You're allowed to say whatever the fuck you want in public, however, you also have to remember that some people may react quite violently to your words.

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

7-18-05 5:16pm (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

Just say it to a black guy, not on some message board like a coward. I certainly have free speech, but it's a responsible citizens job to use it wisely. I don't use racial slurs like this. It makes others uncomfortable.

What's funny is that I just think of myself as a person. It's always some asshole that reminds me I'm black. It's my skin color, it's who I am, but I'm not some stereotype or rapper trying to sell records.

And no, whites have the upperhand in society, they are definately not at any disadvantage. Think of it this way, what if your mother liked one of your siblings more than you? They'd get more love, more attention, probably more gifts.

7-18-05 5:24pm (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

Also, it's people like this that make the white race look bad. Every time I try to defend whites or think racism is going away, I see stupid shit like this.

I'm guessing these are all kids and it's cool to rebel, so it's cool to be racist. Well, it's not.

Racism just breed more racism and reverse racism. Blacks don't like to be pointed out, picked on, or hated. Martin Luther King wasn't wasting his time up there on the podium.

7-18-05 5:35pm (new)
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Director of Cats

Member Rated:


While the status of race, race relations, and racial responsibilities is a fascinating and important one, it would at this point be best to move it out of a thread presenting a user's comics, and into, probably, Fights Go Here.

Or, if you all could keep it real civil and enlightened, to General Discussion.



7-18-05 6:17pm (new)
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I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

Member Rated:

*steps out of the conversation*

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

7-18-05 6:52pm (new)
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No soap, radio.

Member Rated:

You still have some of it on your shoe.

Bringing you comics, once a year. Whether you want them or not.

7-18-05 8:46pm (new)
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No soap, radio.

Member Rated:


While I am normally a reasonable man. I am shitfaced yet again. So I am going to do something that I would not normally do, when sober. And that is. Put periods where commas should be...

Oh and something else.

Comment on all this stuff.

The word nigger has a certain loaded quality. I'm thinking that it's probably, at least in the USA, one of the most loaded words that you can use.

There are a shitload of racial slurs. I am Italian by ancestry, but I was born here. I've been called a wop. A guinea (pronounced ginny). And a wetback as well. Which confused me, cause I thought wetback was a mexican slur.

There is nothing worse than a lazy racist.


Nigger is a strong word. And there is a big discussion about who can "use" it. I've seen hispanics, pakistanis and asians use it in the "brother" way. As well I've seen "whites" use it. Theses "whites" are Irish, Italian, Hispanic and Albanian.

Well, uh, they would consider themselves white...

OTOH, I've heard Jamaicans, Hatians and Africans call each other nigger in the "not my brother way" as well.

When it was meant as a "brother" thing between friends, there was never any problem. Regardless of the race of the speaker. When it was used as the "fuck you" word, regardless of the race of the speaker, it was usually the beginning of a fight.

If it was used, and here is the thing, by a recent "noob" in a group of friends that used it, they were usually slapped down. "You ain't got the right to use that word, nigger."

The usage of the word is probably the most confusing thing that a non-black can experience. Even the "whitest" black guy can use it. For everyone else, there seems to be a threshold at which you are allowed to use it.

I have friends that allow me to use it, occasionally, but not every day. If I'm drunk, and they are, it's allowed all the time.

The black girlfriends that I have been with never liked it. But then, they never used it on me either.

The whole "nigga" "nigger" thing is bullshit. It's just a matter of pronunciation. I've heard white racists use both, I've heard blacks use both. The rest is just an excuse.

Now, as far as the use of either "nigga" or "nigger" in a comic on this website. There a a couple of issues.

Brad has the right to delete any comics that he finds offensive. There is no free speech here. He is god.

So we have to ask, is mandingo using the word in a racist way? Is he just being a troll? Does he write the strips he does to promote racisim?

What race is he? Or she for that matter? How much can you tell from someone's comics?

For all that we know, mandingo is a gay, black female who is writing her PhD on internet assholes.

Or is that shank?

As far as I know, freedom of speech is alive and well on stripcreator.


I apologize if I have offended anyone by inclusion or exclusion from the previous text. If I forgot to capitalize or capitalized your race, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for living on your land if you're a Native American. I am sorry for being Italian if you are Albanian. I'm sorry... aw fuck it.

You can all suck my dick.

Bringing you comics, once a year. Whether you want them or not.

7-18-05 9:33pm (new)
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Sometimes back but not all the times.

Member Rated:

Oh fer fuck's sake.

Here's a story:
Once upon all times
you rule


7-18-05 9:48pm (new)
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Member Rated:

What if mandingo meant hilarious?

Crash. Bang. Krrrsh. Uhhhhn. Crash. Bang. Krrrsh. Click. Blam. Onomatopoeia.

7-18-05 9:49pm (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

I agree with ya Splunge, but there is a difference between the words. It wasn't even mandingo's comics that bothered me, it's what he said on the board.

7-19-05 5:19am (new)
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I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

Member Rated:

Splunge, just wanted to make a comment. While "wetback" is commonly associated with mexicans, I think it could be a reasonable slur for just about any country within reasonable swimming/cobbled together rafting distance. I don't think Italy counts, though. Hati, Cuba, pretty much any country that has borders on the Gulf of Mexico, basically.

As for "weback" being used against Italians? Goddamn, I can't believe that shit.

As for white slurs, I never hear anyone mention "WASP" anymore. I personally think that's the most offensive (and therefore funny) white slur. "White Anglo-Saxon Protestant", basically inferring that you're an english christian. Thing is, I've heard it bandied about as if it were just a term for all whites. Oh well, no one ever said racial slurs were logical!

As for "Nigger", I think the funniest use I've ever seen was when Chappelle had a skit on his show about a white-bread nuclear family named the "Niggars". Frankly, I think drunk rednecks who use the word "Nigger" seriously should be beaten seriously, because frankly, white trash is not worth shit.

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

7-19-05 7:11am (new)
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Director of Cats

Member Rated:

Just a couple comments.

On the net, no one knows for sure if you're black, white or spotted unless you tell them. We all probably assume that more people look like us than actually do.

Also a historical note:

I joined Stripcreator in May, 2001, after it had been in existence for a bit over four months. At that time, anyone could vote on all 15000 comics, and there was a feature on the site that would let you see them sorted by rating. And if you brought up the last page of that sorted list, you could see a bunch of comics with negative ratings. And most of those were racist trash with nothing but hate for the pigmentally enhanced, with tons of n-words flying left and right. These comics did not have the least speck of funny.

On the other hand, Mandingo's, even if pushing the envelope of taboo (and maybe then some), at least are clever. And I don't think they necessarily display a racism by the author; they could indeed be lampooning society's darker side.

But it should do us proud that the SC community rejected those earlier comics, some of which Brad may since have deleted.


7-19-05 7:46am (new)
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I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

Member Rated:

I agree with Kaufman here, and I certainly hope brad has found it in his heart to delete those comics. Deliberately racist and offensive comics without any actual comedy content are just a waste of server space and frankly, an embarassing hint of flaws in society.

Not that we should hide the flaws of society, but I mean, Jesus, can we at least be funny while we're doing them?

Mandingo's comics made me laugh. End of story.

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

7-19-05 7:57am (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

Member Rated:

Believe it or not, I actually laugh a racist black jokes if they're funny. I used to work with an old school Mexican guy who had a ton of them. Alot of the time he worked my nerves, but he had some good ones.

He still never used the "n" word. The only reason this stuff is funny to anyone is because it is taboo. That's not my gripe though. It's seeing the attitude of the guy who wrote this stuff. If it was just a joke, whatever, but he seemed like a little more than that.

7-19-05 10:14pm (new)
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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » what if nigger meant kite

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